Roman Popov is the son of General , who was arrested on suspicion of…

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Roman Popov, the son of General , who was arrested on suspicion of fraud in the construction of the Patriot Park, told the -OGPU about the accusations. There was nothing new in the decisions with which the investigators raided his house.

“At first we didn’t understand the reason for the search; it flashed through our heads that it was all because of jokes about the NGSH (Chief of the General Staff), but it turned out that it wasn’t. The group behaved very correctly. They officially looked at my computer and phone, but they returned everything, because apart from military scientific work there is nothing there: where am I and where is the Patriot Park.


According to Roman Popov, his father is involved in the case together with the general of the “innovation department” .

“I didn’t know before that there were three generals in the GUIR. I know the boss Alexander Osadchuk and his deputy Yuri Veselov, they come from Polezhaevka. As far as I understand, they have already been interrogated on the case. Both of them were really involved in innovative activities and assisted our specialists; we had to contact them personally. But they told me about Vladimir Shesterov that he was just hanging out in the park [«Патриот»] and did something there. They said about him as a person that he was polite to everyone, but arrogant with those of lower rank.”

Most likely, Vladimir Shesterov testified against Pavel Popov, since he himself was detained at the beginning of the month.

“The video with the handcuffs, of course, offended me – even if there are some questions for my father from a legal point of view, we must not forget how much time and effort he gave to his Motherland.”

As for Pavel Popov’s objects, according to his son, he does not have the estate in Krasnogorsk attributed to him in the and the media. According to the interlocutor, confusion could have occurred. The Popovs have a plot of land in neighboring Novogorsk, near Khimki. The land was allegedly allocated and received legally back in the days when the governor of the region was a graduate of the Military Academy of the General Staff, Boris Gromov, and when the mayor of Khimki was the former military man Vladimir Strelchenko. In order to build a house there (the work was supposedly carried out back in the 2000s), the general sold real estate and even a car in Krasnoyarsk.

“So far, everything I’ve seen in the media looks more like insinuations that are published at someone’s suggestion. Everything looks like people are being shown what bad team members Shoigu had. On the Internet, in connection with my father’s case, I even read to myself: journalists found my 24 advertisements for the sale of individual security elements from 2018 to 2020 and wrote nonsense about it. For example, my wife and I laughed a lot, because even she knows that the Ops Core helmet is made abroad and it is absurd to interpret its sale with corruption. They already called me from Senezh (a military town where special forces are based) and jokingly asked me to put up their things for sale at the first sale.”


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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