A source from the -OGPU told the details of the biography and detention of the former deputy minister…

A source from the Cheka-OGPU told the details of the biography and detention of the former deputy minister...
A source from the Cheka-OGPU told the details of the biography and detention of the former deputy minister...

A source from the -OGPU told the details of the biography and detention of former Deputy Minister of Defense . According to the interlocutor, General PPA (so, by initials, many of the Russian Defense Ministry called him behind his back), like Ruslan Tsalikov and many other members of the team (), was never a person of one or another system. He was a samurai-like man devoted to his leader. Pavel Popov served in the Ministry of Emergency Situations before the RF Ministry of Defense and many members of his personal circle appeared 15 years ago. For example, his chief assistant, Major General of the Reserve Mikhail Mironov, or, as he is also called, MAM, came to the Ministry of Defense for him, which, according to ministerial traditions, corresponds to his initials. Or assistant Roman Sautkin. In addition to them, there was another assistant in Popov’s apparatus – hereditary military man Andrei Voroshilo and secretary Ekaterina. All of them have been missing from contact since the morning of Thursday, August 29.

The source told an interesting story about how Shoigu’s team left the Ministry of Emergency Situations following their leader into nowhere. Allegedly, everyone who depended and was devoted to the then minister had no idea what awaited them. The same thing happened with the departure of Sergei Shoigu from the Ministry of Defense. Almost his people drew up draft reports back in May 2024.


On Thursday, August 29, early in the morning, security forces simultaneously descended on the addresses of General Pavel Popov, his colleagues and relatives. It is known for certain that the general’s wife, Larisa Popova, was brought for interrogation to the Central Asia of the of the . Many users have her signed as Larisa from Shoigu. She also owns land and a house in Novogorsk, where she and her husband lived. Also, at 6 o’clock in the morning, investigators and riot police arrived with searches and arrived at the general’s sons: Valentin and Roman. The first one is a lawyer by training and is far from military service. The second, on the contrary, has served in the Airborne Forces, Vityaz and Special Operations Forces, but has always been far from Pavel Popov both in service and personally: in recent years he has not maintained relations with his father due to disagreements. Investigators reported that they had suspicions about the general and were interested in only two questions: Patriot Park and the leadership of GUIR (Main Directorate for Innovative Development).

According to the interlocutors, no one from Pavel Popov’s inner circle had yet been in touch as of midnight on August 29-30.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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