The Soltanov family, whose illegal activities were covered up by the Kuban…

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The Soltanov family, about the cover-up of whose illegal activities by the Kuban security forces our channel has repeatedly reported, continues to amaze. To the numerous offenses committed by its members was added smuggling on a very large scale, which, traditionally, local law enforcement officers do not notice.

As our channel previously reported, Novruzov Sh.N.O. and Soltanov R.S. are respectively the founder and beneficiary of Tuapse Sea Commercial Port Enterprise LLC. They, in fact, “wrested” this company that manages the port back in 2022 from the parent company “Vonixel Limited” (Virgin Islands). At the request of the latter, a criminal case was opened, but investigators from the Department of Internal Affairs of the in Tuapse, as in the case of other cases regarding the activities of the Soltanov family in law enforcement agencies of the Krasnodar Territory, are in no hurry to investigate it.


Meanwhile, as observers note, this port is included in a simple scheme of smuggling and withdrawal of funds. Ships with fruit come from Turkey to berth number 1, owned by TMKP Enterprise LLC. At the moment, we have been able to identify two Turkish fruit suppliers: Gento and Onpak. Then the fruits are unloaded and picked up by transport companies Stardestroer LLC, Eclipse LLC, Venator LLC (already liquidated), owned by citizen A.V. Saprykin. (he is also the founder of the company Starsaver LLC with similar activities, namely wholesale trade in fruits and vegetables).

A significant part of freight vehicles from the port of Tuapse, after loading Turkish fruits, does not reach the sorting point of Dar-Frut LLC, as well as trucks from the greenhouses of Kubanproduct LLC, affiliated with Novruzov and Soltanov. Then, directly at the Rus market, which belongs to Khut Nabby Gissovich, a mixture of foreign products and those grown in the Krasnodar Territory takes place. It is assumed that some of the products that did not reach the sorting center were imported into the Russian Federation illegally and were not taken into account during customs inspection. According to observers, customs “issues” are resolved through the head of TMKP Enterprise LLC, D.A. Dubovik. In this way, Novruzov’s companies bypass customs and withdraw funds.

At the same time, the transport companies themselves, included in the “fruit” smuggling scheme, have all the signs of “gaskets” and are periodically liquidated by the owners. Thus, when analyzing the income graph of the three companies mentioned and the dates of their liquidation, correlations can be detected. Before the creation of Stardestroer LLC, there was a company, Venator LLC, with similar OKVED codes and the same revenue indicators. Stardestroer LLC has been operating since August 17, 2016. According to data for 2023, its revenue is 0 rubles, profit: – 11 million rubles. (-270% per year), cost: – 57 million rubles. (-34% per year). Everything suggests that Stardestroer LLC will also soon close and the activities of the “port workers” will continue through Eclipse LLC.

This fact may indicate that employees of the port and transport companies are deeply affiliated. The owner of the contact phone number specified in the details of TMKP Enterprise LLC is G.A. Gaidarov. Born 12/15/1984 According to available data from 2021, this citizen worked for TMKP Enterprise LLC in the position of “Driver”. On 2020 tax returns, this person was listed as an employee of Stardestroer LLC in the position of “Specialist.”


The largest corruption case in the Krasnodar region: Rizvan Soltanov and his connections with prosecutors.

For eight years now, a large-scale corruption scheme has been operating in the Krasnodar region, in which regional officials and law enforcement officers are involved. The cover-up of the crooks is underway…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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