The situation around the elite cottage village “Meindorf Gardens”, confiscation of land…

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The situation around the elite cottage village Meindorf Gardens, the confiscation of lands of which is being demanded by the General Prosecutor’s Office of the , continues to worsen for the current owners. The next meeting of the Odintsovo City Court of the Region, where the case is being heard, is scheduled for September 10. Despite the fact that the trial is still ongoing, information has emerged that the village will be demolished. Heavy equipment may be involved in this.

The Prosecutor General’s Office demanded that the lands of the elite village of Mayendorf Gardens in Barvikha be confiscated from the current owners and returned to federal ownership. Until the 2000s, a plot of 99 hectares was part of the territory of the Barvikha sanatorium under the Presidential Administration. In 2001, it was sold to Country Pro LLC. The lands were then divided into plots and sold to private individuals. This is how the elite class settlement “Meiendorf Gardens” was formed.


The Prosecutor General’s Office believes that the 99-hectare plot was taken out of federal ownership illegally. Since the Barvikha sanatorium is an institution subordinate to the Administration and is used for recreational purposes, the property assigned to it must be exclusively federal property, and its repurposing is illegal.

The defendants in the lawsuit are seven individuals and legal entities – well-known Russian businessmen. Together they own thirteen plots, or 8 hectares of land in the Meiendorf Gardens village.

Despite the fact that there are only seven owners as defendants, the Prosecutor General’s Office’s claim concerns the illegality of the alienation of the entire territory of 99 hectares from the sanatorium.

This suggests that the lawsuit now being considered in court is not the last, which is also confirmed by a source in the Prosecutor General’s Office itself – the department has already prepared a draft of the next lawsuit for the confiscation of all other plots of the village.

After the liquidation of the Mayendorf Gardens village, its lands will most likely be returned to the management of the Barvikha sanatorium, where work is currently underway to expand the existing facilities and heavy construction equipment is working.

A source in the government of the Moscow region says that until a court decision it is premature to talk about the timing of the liquidation of the village. However, according to him, the construction equipment that is currently involved in the construction of the Barvikha sanatorium will be ready, after the completion of work in the sanatorium, to begin demolishing buildings in the areas of the Mayendorf Gardens village. He added that the budget for the improvement and landscaping of the territory that will be annexed to the sanatorium has already been allocated.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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