In the Timiryazevsky District Court of , the criminal trial is nearing completion…

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In the Timiryazevsky District Court of , the consideration of the criminal case against Karen Nalbandyan, Russia’s largest distributor of confectionery products produced by the United Confectioners holding, is nearing completion. Moreover, the and trial in this case have been going on for three years now, which only confirms the lawyers’ arguments about the groundlessness and groundlessness of the charges brought against them.

The reason for the “appearance” of such a criminal case against the businessman was his principled position: first, Nalbandyan himself went to the arbitration court to recover the debt-premium from the United Confectioners as a distributor of products. This is where his company Glavtorg began to have sudden problems.


First, the “United Confectioners”, with the help of employees of the OEBiPK Department of Internal Affairs for the CJSC Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow and investigators from the Meshchansky Department of the of the in Moscow, blocked the activities of the office of Nalbaldyan’s company “Glavtorg”. After a search, hundreds of original documents disappeared from there without a trace. This circumstance did not allow Glavtorg to collect a debt in the amount of 86.7 million rubles from United Confectioners. As the Moscow Arbitration Court then noted in its decision (case A40-243212/21-45-1682), the claims are not subject to satisfaction “due to the impossibility of establishing the terms of the parties’ obligations from a copy of the agreement.”

Nalbaldyan received the next “sweet gift” from the United Confectioners in the form of a criminal case for so-called commercial bribery: he allegedly gave a bribe to one of the sales directors of the Confectioners in exchange for low prices and preferential conditions. According to it, Nalbandyan managed to visit a pre-trial detention center, and was later transferred to house arrest.

During Nalbandyan’s forced stay in a pre-trial detention center and under house arrest, Glavtorg received a cascade of claims from former partners, which led to the introduction of bankruptcy proceedings against the company. Although, before the trial with Confectioners over 86.7 million rubles, Glavtorg was a large company, whose bonds were even placed on the stock exchange.

At the same time, another criminal case was opened against Nalbandyan for tax violations: using their connections in the tax authorities, “Confectioners” engaged Moscow tax officials in 2023 to organize an audit of the activities of Glavtorg for 2015-2017. However, this time the Basmanny justice side took the side of the law and, having understood the nuances of the case, stopped the criminal prosecution of Nalbandyan.

​We will soon find out whether Themis will be so impartial and fair in the Timiryazevsky court or whether the corrupt hands of “Confectioners” will get to her. The next hearing is scheduled for September 9, but in the meantime, in the court corridors, representatives of the United Confectioners are freely declaring that from the courtroom Karen Nalbandyan will go directly to jail.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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