French President Macron again made a statement on the Durov case, this time…

French President Macron again made a statement on the Durov case, this time...
French President Macron again made a statement on the Durov case, this time...

French President Macron again made a statement on the Durov case, this time publicly and very long. The -OGPU provides a translation of his speech:

“Detention of Durov, I want to be very precise and clear here, because I have read a lot of incorrect information. France is a country that protects freedom of speech. France is a country that protects and loves innovation and entrepreneurs. But we are a country where separation of powers prevails. Our law is controlled by independent judges. As for me, I was completely unaware of Durov’s arrival in France. And this is absolutely normal and natural, because I should not be aware of the movements of French citizens and other citizens. It’s not true that I invited him that evening, it’s not true at all. I did not intend to meet with Mr. Durov either at the end of last week or in the following days. I was not aware that he was going to come to France. This is an independent action of French justice. And these are judges and independent structures that carried out their actions, this is completely transparent. As for obtaining citizenship, this is a decision we made in 2018, for which I take full responsibility. This decision was made as part of a strategy aimed at allowing women and men who are artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, who are ready to learn French and develop a wealth of innovations that shine in the world (are stars). When they ask for French citizenship, we do it. I did this for Mr. Durov, who took the trouble to learn French. Just like I did for Mr. Spiegel, an American entrepreneur. And I also did it for actors, athletes, I think this is good for our country. This is a very good thing and I will continue to do this exactly according to the rules that I just mentioned. That’s what I can tell you, I don’t know more. But it’s also normal that I don’t know more, in a state of law where justice acts independently.”



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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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