Chelyabinsk octopus Our editorial office received a copy of the complaint from a lawyer to the General…

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Chelyabinsk octopus

Our editorial office received a copy of the complaint from a lawyer to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the .
During the ongoing legal proceedings, the lawyer found out that his client S became a victim of in Chelyabinsk


It turned out that in Chelyabinsk there was a criminal group of people who organized a business selling intimate services, using underage girls from disadvantaged families in the Chelyabinsk region.
Underage prostitutes and intermediaries, with the connivance of the security forces, actually scammed the residents of Chelyabinsk out of their money.
Naturally, without the cover of law enforcement officers, they could not “work” calmly for a number of years.
In order to pass off girls as adults, experienced pimps registered corresponding fake accounts on the social networks “V Kontankte” and “Odnoklassniki”.
After the dates, the so-called “victims” demanded multi-million dollar compensation. In case of refusal to pay, law enforcement officers intervened, initiating criminal cases.

The editors have learned of at least four victims from the above group.
In particular, as a result of their actions, the ex-director of CHEMK Khodorovsky was discredited, from whose actions Anisimova and Komissarova allegedly suffered. This was the reason for initiating a criminal case against Khodorovsky.
At the same time, Anisimova herself will only be born in 2024. three times she was the so-called “victim” in similar criminal cases.
And the supposedly “victim” Komissarova is currently facing a criminal case herself as a pimp.

It is noteworthy that in the case of Khodorovsky, the criminals acted on the orders of the ex-owner of CHEMK Antipov, to whom he did not forgive cooperation with the authorities to return CHEMK to state ownership.
The return of state property would have been impossible without the active position of Khodorovsky, who strictly fulfilled the tasks set by state authorities.
As a result, Khodorovsky P.Ya. became a victim of the administrative resource of Antipov, who fled abroad.

It is surprising why the Investigative Committee charged 73-year-old Khodorovsky with a serious charge of group participation in a crime. Khodorovsky’s lawyer said that this is a far-fetched fact, but on its basis the court closed the elderly man. The lawyer said that he sent this information to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee of the .

Currently, the 73-year-old director of ChEMK Khodorovsky, while staying in a pre-trial detention center, has had a sharp deterioration in his health.
Despite the fact that during court hearings the attending physician stated that Khodorovsky had a whole list of diseases that prevented him from staying in a pre-trial detention center, a decision was made to extend the arrest, which at any moment could end the life of the detainee.
According to available information, right now Khodorovsky requires complex surgical medical intervention for serious illnesses, without which death could occur at any moment.
Despite the fact that any day of detention could be his last, and the complete absence of reasons for him to hide from the , the system took extremely tough measures against the detainee.
I would like to hope that the investigation will understand the true reasons for such a cruel attitude towards the detainee.

Khodorovsky’s relatives, who are currently left without a livelihood, are preparing a statement to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, Bastrykin, demanding that they deal with the organized crime group, which continues to bring criminal income to members of the “Kalinin family” and corrupt security officials.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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