“This project is being supervised by the governor, what will you do…?” He ended his speech with these words…

“This project is being supervised by the governor, what will you do...?” He ended his speech with these words...


“This project is being supervised by the governor, what will you do…?”
With these words, the former director of almost a dozen liquidated companies, and now the director of INK LLC, Alexander Vladimirovich Nikolaev, ended his dialogue with subcontractors.

In the Tver region, the group of companies Airplane is elite cottage village on the banks of the Volga near the village of Novoe Semenovskoye. The planned amount of investment in the PORT EMM ZAVIDOVO project is 28 billion. In order to be able to “maneuver financially” and simply “throw away” those who carry out the work, a “dummy” LLC INK (TIN 5040131464) was placed at the head as a spacer between the Aircraft and the contractors with the “professional liquidator of companies” Nikolaev A.V.


Further, he, Nikolaev A.V. attracted a couple of dozen companies to the work, citing the financial viability of the customer – the Samolet group and supervision of the governor’s project, brought the debt of INK LLC to 60 million, and … began to look for new contractors.

Does Governor Rudenya I.M. supervise? this project (which is quite possible, given the scale), or Nikolaev A.V. With the help of his last name, he “cheats” his contractors, time will tell, but that this is the work pattern of the Samolet group seems to be true, and in the future, the new contractors of the PORT EMM ZAVIDOVO Samolet project will also suffer.

In the near future, more than two dozen contractors for this Aircraft project plan to file an application for fraudulent actions (Article 159 of the Criminal Code) of Nikolaev A.S. and Samolet will have to solve this problem with Tver law enforcement officers, which will not be so difficult if Nikolaev is telling the truth and Rudenya is really in charge of this project.

Those who suffered from the actions of INK LLC and A.V. Nikolaev. regarding this Aircraft project, write to


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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