The -OGPU has information at its disposal that in the Rostov region local…

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The -OGPU has information that in the Rostov region, local customs officers, with the support of security forces, came to the mothballed base of the Wagner PMC.

According to the source, FCS officers paid a visit to the parking lot of mothballed military equipment, where Mitsubishi L200 vehicles are stored. These vehicles were used by Wagners in Africa, and later for movement in the combat area in Ukraine.


The Federal Customs Service justifies its visit by the fact that the vehicles “did not pass the appropriate customs procedures,” and therefore it is planned to seize the equipment as cargo illegally transported to Russian territory. At the same time, the source adds, the cars have been in the since 2022, when the Wagner PMCs were urgently transferred from Africa to the combat zone in Donbass.

“The guys stormed Popasnaya in these pickup trucks. They were brought from Libya when everyone was alerted. Then no one had any questions. Everyone understood that this was being done for military purposes, and efficiency was required,” the source added.

This is not the first such situation. Our interlocutors in the region said that this is a common story for the Rostov region. Local security forces have built a whole business of “squeezing”, under various pretexts, equipment from military personnel and volunteers entering the region from Donbass. The seized car is promptly sold to affiliates at a bargain price, and is subsequently sold for good money.

Apparently, the Rostov security forces decided to bite off a larger piece, as their appetites grew.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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