Law enforcement and supervisory authorities are conducting checks against the largest…

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Law enforcement and supervisory authorities are conducting checks against the largest gold miner in Tyva – Tardan Gold

For fifteen years, the management of the gold mining company Tardan Gold has managed to work on all fronts of sabotage and earn not only crazy sums, but also a whole list of violations. We are talking about both the general director of the company, Lange Danilo, and his deputies, shareholders, etc. According to information sources, The company is currently being inspected due to gross violations of environmental standards that have resulted in irreparable harm to the environment.

But environmental damage is only one side of the coin; the company violated the law in other ways. For example, part of its profits went straight to Sweden, bypassing Russian legislation.


The owners of the company come from the UK and the USA. It’s about Peter Daresbury (chairman of the board of directors, is a representative of the British elite, hereditary lord), Preston Haskell (member of the SD), Jukke Pitkäjärvi (member of the SD) and Tore Olgren (member of the SD). The company not only does not have a single Russian shareholder, but does not even have a manager.

All this became the reason for active checks against the company. Moreover, according to information from the Prosecutor General’s Office, the top officials have already decided to nationalize the asset. The initiator of this is the Prosecutor General’s Office.

The process of transferring an asset into state ownership in Russia has been worked out over the past two years: in total, 180 private companies have been nationalized in two years since the beginning of the SVO, it follows from research “New Europe” (recognized as undesirable in Russia) and “Transparency”.

Examples of nationalized foreign companies: Fortum, Uniper, Baltika, Carlsberg, Danone and others. Usually the process itself goes very quickly, and therefore we can expect that in the near future the assets of the Tyva gold miner will be transferred to the state.

Tardan’s gold goes to the West

From environmental pollution to withdrawal of funds


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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