Clouds continue to gather around the once untouchable ex-top managers of Gazprom…

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Clouds continue to gather around the once untouchable ex-top managers of Gazprom. As the Fox Basilio channel recently reported, in the criminal case regarding the withdrawal of real estate assets of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC (GNS), another defendant appeared – the head of the company’s internal audit department, Denis Mikhalev, who was charged with receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. The details of a specific criminal history in this case are not so important; something else is important. The fact is that GNS, like many other petrochemical enterprises in Bashkiria, is controlled by ex-top manager of Gazprom Kirill Seleznev, who, at one time, managed almost all of the construction of the corporation and was, de facto, its second leader after Alexey Miler. Seleznev’s areas of interest were very extensive. Thus, the -OGPU has already said that from 2016 to 2020, another local enterprise, Gazprom Stroytek Salavat (GSS), was a virtual monopolist in the supply of large-diameter pipes for the needs of the state corporation, bringing multi-billion-dollar profits to its real beneficiary Seleznev.
But everything in this world is temporary. After the arrest of the famous Arashukovs (the eldest of those arrested was Seleznev’s adviser), Kirill Gennadievich was forced to flee from Gazprom and so far found himself in the chair of the head of the RusKhimAlliance company. After this, the position of the former top executive in the gas corporation began to rapidly weaken: his contractors were excommunicated from the powerful construction program “Gazprom for Children”, the monopoly purchase of pipes from GSS was abolished, and his people began to be removed from leadership positions in various subsidiaries of the PJSC. Later, the more entertaining, criminal part began. Thus, after the initiation of a criminal case, Seleznev’s former deputy Anatoly Erkulov, who was his main “wallet” in matters of distribution of construction contracts, quickly left the country. Then the contractors themselves began to testify during interrogations. And this year, several more managers involved in construction under the Gazprom for Children program were detained.
The into the thefts is expanding, and people who once competed with Seleznev have also come under attack, because the scale of the state corporation allowed them to steal almost trillions of rubles. But, according to our knowledgeable source, the seemingly small criminal cases in the petrochemical industry of Bashkiria are links in the same chain with which law enforcement officers are entangling the once untouchable Seleznev, and the final chapter of this epochal story of unpunished theft is just around the corner.


In the criminal case regarding the withdrawal of real estate assets of Gazprom neftekhim Salavat LLC (GNS), another defendant has appeared. We are talking about the head of the internal audit department of the enterprise, Denis Mikhalev, who was charged with receiving a bribe on an especially large scale…



Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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