The -OGPU continues to cover large-scale forgeries and scams committed by Liliya An…

The Cheka-OGPU continues to cover large-scale forgeries and scams committed by Liliya An...


The -OGPU continues to cover large-scale forgeries and scams committed by Liliya Anoshina and her counterfeit in the very center of .

Our editors, from their own sources, got acquainted with the material of the inspection, which has been carried out for 1.5 years now in the Department of Internal Affairs controlled by Liliya Anoshina in the Khamovniki district of Moscow and drew attention to the numerous cases revealed of forgery of documents for the theft of cars committed by Liliya Anoshina’s gang. Read these testimonies.


But the district police in Khamovniki and Lilia Anoshina’s personal friend Oleg Korolev believe that there are no property rights in Moscow.

The impunity of Liliya Anoshina has already led to the fact that in order to deceive the Moscow Prosecutor, Liliya Anoshina, together with her partner Tatyana Belova, forged and inserted into the inspection material a forged document signed by Almaty investigator Nasariden D., and also secured it with a fake seal of the allegedly Almaty police.

Police officer in the Khamovniki district Oleg Korolev knew very well that the response to the name of Tatyana Belova, who was arrested for fraud, was forged, but as our channel learned, Liliya Anoshina promised to “insure” Oleg Korolev in front of the employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Internal Affairs in the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

Our channel contacted investigator D. Nasariden and learned that no response was given to Belova, who was arrested for fraud, and the data in the response was deliberately false.

This is complete chaos!! Our readers demand that the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Department of Internal Affairs for the Khamovniki district give comments on this fact!

The swindler Liliya Anoshina herself openly rejoices that it is Oleg Korolev, who was convicted of corruption and involved in the theft of cars, who continues to work on material on cars, because, as Anoshina herself writes, “Korolev will not imprison himself **, I called Minsk myself then. I have up to *screenshots where he gives the numbers of traffic cops to register, where he throws photos from the database, sends Vlad’s flights.”

That is, the police officer helps the criminal Anoshina obtain information from closed databases, and also plants a fake document with a forged signature in order to make the decision Anoshina needs. Please note, dear Oleg Anatolyevich Baranov.

The editors of the Cheka-OGPU are surprised why the foreign swindler Liliya Anoshina can so freely spit on the laws adopted in the ; such swindlers as Anoshina and Belova will cause a collapse in the work of the entire law enforcement and judicial system of the Russian Federation. Tomorrow Anoshina could forge a paper that could acquit not only fraudsters, but also murderers and destabilize the situation in the country.

At the moment, as the Cheka-OGPU has learned, Liliya Anoshina, together with her press secretary Natalia Pasechnik, continue to deceive representatives of the media, trying to put pressure on the justice system, as well as to whitewash the serious crimes committed by an international criminal gang in the eyes of the indignant public of Russia and Kazakhstan .

We expect legal decisions regarding serial fraudster Liliya Anoshina and bringing her and her entire gang to criminal liability.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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