The Kaliningrad administration will sum up the results of the competition next Wednesday, August 28…

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Administration of Kaliningrad next Wednesday, August 28will sum up the results of the competition for the purchase of 12 trolleybuses for half a billion rubles. However, based on the results of choosing a supplier, the expectations of city residents may not be met. Instead of comfortable, reliable and safe urban transport, they risk getting cheap but low-quality cars, and even then with a long delay.

The fact is that the trolleybus manufacturer from Vologda, Trans-Alfa, is taking part in the auction. Over the past three years, due to dumping prices, this company has secured victory in several competitive procedures, in particular, in , Bryansk, Vladimir, Volgograd, Chita, Yaroslavl.


At the same time, in the course of making contacts in all these cities, the Vologda company systematically violated delivery times for trolleybuses and did not provide warranty service for the equipment.

As part of a number of legal proceedings, government customers have already asked to include an unscrupulous supplier on the “black list”, but Trans-Alfa still continues to submit applications for participation in competitive procedures, since existing legislation does not allow auction organizers to exclude a participant with a reputation from the competition. below the plinth.”

As a result, by winning competitions through dumping, such market participants discredit the work of regional and municipal administrations to renew the public transport fleet, not to mention the fact that the safety of passengers is jeopardized.

The Kaliningrad authorities announced the results of the auction for the purchase of trolleybuses on August 28

The Finance Committee of the administration of the urban district “City of Kaliningrad” announced the results of the auction for the purchase of trolleybuses on August 28. The customer is MCP Kaliningrad-Gortrans. Applications will be accepted until Monday, August 26th.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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