One of the hostage takers in IK-19 in Surovikino, Nazirchon Toshov, was sentenced…

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One of the hostage takers at IK-19 in Surovikino, Nazirchon Toshov, was sentenced on October 10, 2022 to eight and a half years of strict regime on charges under Part 3 of Art. 30, part 4 art. 228.1 (attempted illegal sale of drugs via the Internet by a group of persons by prior conspiracy). As follows from the materials of the criminal case, which the -OGPU reviewed, a native of Tajikistan decided to engage in criminal activity in order to pay off his debts. After he called all his relatives, acquaintances and acquaintances asking for financial help, a man contacted him on WhatsApp, introducing himself as Israel and offering him to work as a drug courier for 70 thousand rubles.

Toshov rented a Hyundai Solaris, hid the bundles of drugs behind the trim in the luggage compartment and went to make a “stash.” On the way, he passed a traffic police checkpoint, where police stopped him and searched his car. During the inspection, they discovered drugs and invited Toshov to participate in an operational experiment to expose his accomplices. He agreed and, under the control of the police, began to correspond with the man, from whom he learned where to pick up the package of drugs. Toshov told him that he allegedly made a bookmark and sent photos and coordinates, which the police gave him. Soon, two guys were detained in the indicated place, who were involved in the same criminal case with Toshov.


Their lawyers argued during the and trial that there was a provocation during the arrest, since Toshov acted under the control of operational officers. However, all three pleaded guilty and were convicted.


Information has appeared on the radicals who captured IK-19


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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