The Federal Tax Service is hot on the heels of the richest State Duma deputy, Grigory Anikeev. It seems…

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The Federal Tax Service is hot on the heels of the richest State Duma deputy Grigory Anikeev

It seems that after a series of high-profile revelations of tax evasion schemes of popular infogypsies, the Federal Tax Service decided to switch to the elected representatives of the people. It’s logical. Honestly, we should start with them: they clearly brought more harm to our Motherland than relatively innocent “wish granters” like Blinovskaya. And there would be more public resonance from such revealing revelations.
Now the richest State Duma deputy, United Russia member Grigory Anikeev, has come under the radar of the tax services. In 2020, his declared income alone amounted to 2.7 billion rubles. However, this amount clearly does not reflect reality and is greatly underestimated. Several factors cannot be ignored here.


Firstly, Anikeev has a special gift for “negotiating” with the courts regarding his tax disputes. Basically everything Federal Tax Service charges against Anikeev’s companies are rejected at the level of Arbitration Courts. Apparently, United Russia deputies have their own special “green corridor” in the judicial system of the .
Secondly, starting in 2014, Anikeev very actively began to transfer his assets to the West (and more recently, to the East) and, of course, did not display them in his tax returns on income, expenses and property. A sharp “decline” in income and square meters in the deputy’s property after 2014 clearly visible in open sources.

Well, now it has become quite convenient: from 2023, they decided to protect the “poor, unfortunate” officials from Western arbitrariness and endless , and allowed them not to make their tax returns publicly available at all. Well, we have already written above about the special “talent” of convincing regulatory authorities to turn a blind eye to some “errors and inaccuracies” in declarations. And how convenient it is to do this not under the gaze of the public, but in your own way, quietly, behind the scenes.

Therefore, one can only guess how many tax obligations Anikeev really has not fulfilled to our country. He and his family members have more than 2.5 billion rubles more in real estate in Dubai alone, which clearly was not included in the tax return, plus a countless number of undeclared accounts, deposits, assets of affiliated persons and other things.

In general, the series called “The Federal Tax Service is catching up with Anikeev” promises to be exciting, cruel and long-lasting.

To be continued…

The Federal Tax Service is hot on the heels of the richest State Duma deputy Grigory Anikeev

It seems that after a series of high-profile revelations of tax evasion schemes of popular infogypsies, the Federal Tax Service decided to switch to the elected representatives of the people.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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