The -OGPU had at its disposal the materials in the case of the theft of 1.5 million…

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The -OGPU had at its disposal the materials in the case of the theft of $1.5 million using false powers of attorney from the Dubai accounts of Oleg Mitvol, who was sentenced to 4.5 years in the “Krasnoyarsk metro case.” It turned out that the crime was organized by employees of the criminal investigation department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on a tip from former employees of Mitvol’s own company. Some of the perpetrators are now awaiting trial in pre-trial detention center No. 1 in Krasnoyarsk, but several of the accused managed to go from there to SVO without waiting for a verdict. Here are the main defendants in the criminal case:

1. Zhizhin Sergey Yuryevich – at the time of the crime, one of the leaders of the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the rank of police colonel, exercised control over the perpetrators and prevented the opening of a criminal case.


2. Alexander Gusev, a subcontractor of Mitvol’s company, after his arrest ingratiated himself with the family, collected data on accounts and real estate, and hired Evgeny Pylaev to carry out the criminal plan.

3. Kireev Pavel – Gusev’s right hand, coordinated the actions of Elena Magomedselimova.

4. Pylaev Evgeniy – was hired by Gusev and Kireev to search for direct executors, attracted Astrakhantsev.

5. Astrakhantsev Pavel – was hired by Pylaev, previously served a sentence under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the (theft), gives a confession in the case.

6. Magomedselimov Timur Salimovich – at the time of the crime he held the position of head of the criminal investigation department of the Kirovsky district of Yaroslavl, Astrakhantsev turned to him in search of a performer, Timur proposed the candidacy of his mother Elena, who eventually flew to Dubai with Astrakhantsev.

7. Elena Magomedselimova – a falsified power of attorney was issued in her name for the property of Oleg Mitvol, flew to Dubai and withdrew money from the bank.

8. Moseychuk Alexey Sergeevich – produced a false passport with his photograph in order to obtain a power of attorney for Elena Magomedselimova.

VChK-OGPU (reserve)


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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