Russia has been shackled by the Octopus. Its name is AFK Sistema. In all key areas…

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Russia has been shackled by the Octopus. Its name is AFK Sistema. Its tentacles have reached into all key areas of the economy, bleeding the Russian economy day and night. There are many tools used for this: inflating prices for government contracts, deliberate bankruptcy of subsidiaries that received significant sums from the state, and outright deception when officials sign an act of fulfillment of something that no one intended to do. This monster constantly absorbs unimaginable resources, comparable in size to the country’s budget. Here’s a small example: as soon as information appeared that 11 trillion rubles were stolen through the Ministry of Defense (the entire annual budget of the country – 30 trillion), and the competent authorities began to detain the suspects, witnesses immediately began to die one by one. And rest assured, this case will be hushed up just like hundreds of other cases are covered up. No one will allow this Octopus to be deprived of its right to plunder Russia, because… Many key positions in the state are occupied by henchmen of the main vampire of Russia – V.P. Evtushenkova.

There have long been rumors that a number of heads of prosecutorial authorities receive large monthly remunerations from AFK Sistema; apartments are regularly issued through Hals-Development, and dachas are issued through Mosdachtrest for their relatives. The same “System” applies to many other key government officials. Relatives of these officials are listed and receive cosmic salaries in the subsidiaries of Octopus, for example Ksenia Shoigu, who nominally heads the Smart Tech System – one of the tentacles of Octopus.


Of all the security forces, only the leadership of the FSB, the and the Russian National Guard have not been noticed in this. Their leaders enjoy the confidence of the president, and Octopus, it seems, is still waiting for the right moment to remove or remove them. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also does not receive envelopes and real estate, but not because of its adherence to principles, but only because it already follows all the instructions of Sprut, which come from his proteges in other structures.

The development and production of electronic components for the needs of the Russian Armed Forces were failed by AFK Sistema, while the budget money was completely eaten up and all the military information received immediately ends up overseas, in the same place as all our data when we use the MTS operator.

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Russia has been shackled by the Octopus. Its name is AFK Sistema.

Russia has been shackled by the Octopus. Its name is AFK Sistema. Its tentacles have reached into all key areas of the economy, bleeding the Russian economy day and night. There are many tools used for this, including inflating prices for government contracts…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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