During a recent meeting with media representatives, the prosecutor…

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During a recent meeting with representatives of the media, the prosecutor of the Krasnodar region, Sergei Tabelsky, complained that the number of corruption crimes committed on an especially large scale is growing in the region. Giving examples, the head of the supervisory authority modestly kept silent about his own contribution to the development of crime. In particular, about personal involvement in the raider capture The once successful company “Firm “Graviton””.

In the dispute that began between two business entities that owned in equal shares the construction company Firma Graviton and Kubantorgbank, everything began as usual. Rizvan Soltanov and Alexander Yarchuk decided to part ways in a civilized manner, honestly dividing the money they earned from providing services to the Tuapse Refinery. But everything was going fine until Kuban prosecutor Sergei Tabelsky took Rizvan Soltanov under the open patronage, who unexpectedly demanded 5 billion rubles from his former partner in excess of the agreed share, supposedly to resolve the problems that had arisen.
Otherwise, Rizvan Soltanov promised, Alexander Yarchuk will have trouble. And after the businessman refused to follow his former partner’s lead, troubles from the judicial system and the prosecutor’s office really arose.


After Rizvan Soltanov began to bankrupt Firm Graviton, a controlling stake in Kubantorgbank, where previously the partners each owned 49.81%, quickly and unexpectedly came under the complete control of the Soltanov family. This process was accompanied by support for decisions made by the courts of the Krasnodar Territory with the participation of the same prosecutor Sergei Tabelsky and the chairman of the Kubansky court, Rustem Trakhov, who was involved in the conspiracy. This alliance provides cover even at the federal level. The Trakhovs are a judicial dynasty; father Aslan Ismailovich Trakhov was the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Adygea until 2019. In , within the framework of the Supreme Court of the , he is personally supported by a native of Kuban, the Chairman of the Council of Judges of Russia, Viktor Mamotov.
In the Krasnodar region itself, Rizvan Soltanov is now considered untouchable. Prosecutor Sergei Tabelsky initiates criminal cases against the businessman’s competitors and at the same time freezes any attempts to investigate the businessman and his entourage. At the same time, in mid-June, Deputy Kuban Prosecutor Dmitry Panteleev, at the board for especially important cases, did not hesitate to say that any materials regarding Rizvan Soltanov should be “cut down” in advance.

But there is a problem. There are no untouchables in Russia and there never will be. The Defense Ministry generals under are witnesses to this.

How Rizvan Soltanov is trying to bankrupt his former partner

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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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