Today, reputable Belgorod businessman Vladimir Tebekin (Sailor), head…

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Today, the authoritative Belgorod businessman Vladimir Tebekin (Sailor), who headed the Iceberg charitable foundation for promoting a healthy lifestyle in the region, was charged by law enforcement officers with a new charge – under Art. 210 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the (Creation of a stable armed group (gang) for the purpose of attacking citizens or organizations, as well as leadership of such a group (gang) – is punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to fifteen years).

The detention and detention of Vladimir Tebekin and the chairman of the board of directors of Prioskolye JSC Gennady Bobritsky became known on June 2, 2023 – employees of the FSB department for the Belgorod region brought the entrepreneurs to the capital, and on the same day the Meshchansky court took them into custody. By the end of the , only the main defendant, Tebekin, remained in the pre-trial detention center. Other suspects – General Director of the Energomash company Gennady Tararaksin, businessmen Eduard Khokhlov and Vladimir Zakharov – were under a ban on certain actions throughout the entire period of the preliminary investigation, since they confessed and cooperated with the investigation. After 10 months, Bobritsky joined them.


The new charge relates to murder and is much more serious. Currently, operatives of the special services are working to identify all members of the Moryak OPS and clarify their roles in the group. Many of its members went on the run and are now in Europe and the United Arab Emirates. Thus, the media reported that Vladimir Tebekin’s son Dmitry, a murder suspect who was responsible for violent actions in the group Vitaly Lushnikov (Abuda), authoritative businessman Sergei Sidorov and others fled abroad. At the same time, people who are considered nominal shareholders of a number of Tebekin’s enterprises continue to “work” in the region – Alexey Krasovsky and Vitaly Dunaytsev. The chief director and co-owner of the Premix plant in Shebekino, Alexey Balanovsky, also continues his activities, about whom they wrote that he is the main “wallet” of the Sailor.

Taking into account the fact that, according to sources, Vladimir Tebekin has begun to testify, few doubt that the score of the participants in the new criminal case may eventually amount to dozens, and many serious crimes of past years will be solved.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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