The -OGPU continues to talk about an amazing criminal case of theft…

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The -OGPU continues to talk about an amazing criminal case involving the theft of 129 million right in the office of the UBRIR bank, which was shrouded in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the forces of the “roof” in the person of the former police chief and other employees have been trying to “bury” for almost five years.

The other day, the Moscow City Court satisfied the claim of businessmen from the Transtorg company against the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the award of compensation for violation of the right to criminal proceedings within a reasonable time and decided to recover compensation from the represented by the Ministry of Finance.


Various “representatives” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the meetings, once three of them came and one was even removed by the court because he tried to convince Themis that a service ID replaces both a passport and an education document.

However, despite the absence of absenteeism, the “representatives” of the department were unable to convince the court that the of one single episode, where the decision to suspend the investigation was canceled more than 20 (!) times, as illegal, and which lasts more than 4 years, is normal and complies with the law.

Is it worth reminding that the investigation has at its disposal (attention!): all documents, witnesses, a suspect (after the intervention of the former chief police officer of Moscow, and now bank security officer Sergei Plakhikh, the UBRIR employee again became a witness), recordings from CCTV cameras and even stolen money were arrested (for inexplicable reasons, the investigator lifted the arrest and the money disappeared).

The Moscow City Court found and ruled that the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not investigate the criminal case of the theft of 129 million in the presence of obvious suspects and evidence.


The Cheka-OGPU became aware of the amazing story of how the former chief of the Moscow police, Sergei Plakhikh, framed the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a multimillion-dollar lawsuit in order to curry favor with his new employer. According to our information, after his dismissal, the general moved to the Urals, where he oversees…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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