As the -OGPU learned, Alexander Ageev (murderer of…

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As the -OGPU learned, life-sentenced Alexander Ageev (the murderer of chansonnier Mikhail Krug) was refused to be sent to the Northern Military District. Tsapkov gang member Vladimir Alekseev received a similar refusal.

Ageev submitted an application to the military registration and enlistment office of the city of Tver (at his place of permanent registration), with a request to be sent to the Northern Military District zone. Having received a refusal with incomprehensible wording, Ageev appealed it to the Moskovsky District Court of Tver. The court refused to satisfy Ageev’s complaint, citing orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice dated July 27, 2023, under the heading DSP. According to which, those sentenced to life imprisonment cannot be invited to participate in the SVO.


A similar refusal was received by life-sentenced Vladimir Alekseev (member of the Tsapkovsky gang), serving a life sentence in colony No. 6 in Mordovia.

In the Black Dolphin colonies in the Orenburg region and the White Swan in the Perm region, the administration simply does not accept applications from convicts to the military registration and enlistment office, without explaining the reasons.

The interlocutor of the Cheka-OGPU notes that at the end of March of this year, signed a law regulating the procedure for convicts concluding a contract with the Ministry of Defense for participation in the SVO. In accordance with this law, persons sentenced to life imprisonment (with the exception of those convicted under certain articles of the Criminal Code of the ) have every right to enter into a contract and go to the SVO zone.
However, in reality, “inexplicable” metamorphoses make it impossible for some convicts to go to the front, namely any convict who is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Let us remind you that the algorithm for concluding a contract for convicts with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is determined by Federal Law No. 270 of June 24, 2023.
In accordance with the Constitution, Federal Laws have supremacy throughout the territory of Russia.

How it turns out that internal orders make it possible to ignore the Federal Law, one can only guess.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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