As it became known to the -OGPU, the verdict to the senior officer of the FSB department for…

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As the -OGPU learned, the verdict of Grigory Tsaregorodtsev, a senior officer of the FSB department in the Perm region, in a criminal case of receiving a particularly large bribe from a group of hackers was overturned due to a “significant violation of the criminal procedural law.” The case has been remanded for a new trial. As previously reported by the Cheka-OGPU, the Perm Garrison Military Court on April 15 sentenced Tsaregorodtsev to nine years in prison and a fine of 320 million rubles. The defense appealed the guilty verdict.

The security officer headed the division of the Perm FSB Directorate, which carries out activities in the field of information security, that is, it must identify cybercriminals. In reality, Tsaregorodtsev spent seven years protecting these very hackers who traded information from bank cards. They paid him for his patronage. When the hackers, with whom the FSB officer had developed friendly relations, were imprisoned by investigators, they gave him 100 million rubles for organizing their transfer to Perm and subsequent release.


We are talking about six members of the group: entrepreneur Vladislav Gilev, founder of a large company selling metal structures Artem Bystrykh, general director of the Saratovfilm Film Company Denis Pachevsky, businessman Alexander Kovalev, unemployed Yaroslav Solovyov and the head of the famous Perm IT office Get-Net Artem Zaitsev . The Tverskoy Court of Moscow arrested all six suspects in case No. 12201007754000092, initiated under Part 2 of Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of the (illegal circulation of means of payment).

As the Cheka-OGPU managed to find out, the hackers sold data from European and American cards and also stole money from them. The work was done through websites And Traffic from them went to the data center, the base of which belongs to Zaitsev’s Get-Net LLC. In Perm, he is a well-known programmer, and his company supplies services to the local FSB. For example, in 2016, security officers purchased communication channels from Zaitsev, and the following year they rented premises.

After the arrest of the hackers, investigators from the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to notice a strange interest in the topic on the part of Tsaregorodtsev, who tried in every possible way to transfer the detainees to the Perm pre-trial detention center under the pretext of carrying out certain events. It turned out that Tsaregorodtsev acted as a “roof” for a group of hackers in exchange for monthly payments. A witness classified in the case said that Vladislav Gilev, who previously headed the trade and construction company Uralenergostroy (one of the partners of Transtechcom Bystrykh), gave Tsaregorodtsev 100 million rubles in cash.

The transfer was carried out by their mutual friend, Gilev’s business partner, Alexander Kovalev. Also, according to the witness, through her Tsaregorodtsev tried to calm the hackers down, claiming that he was making every effort to get them out of prison. However, after a year behind bars and multiple court rejections of defense motions and appeals regarding mitigation of the preventive measure, the detainees decided to “dump” their curator and revealed the fact of transferring money intended to bribe investigators.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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