The scandalous deputy developer may soon say goodbye…

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The scandalous deputy developer may soon say goodbye to the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region. Last week, a former partner in a letter to the prosecutor of the Novosibirsk region Alexander Buchman accused deputy Polyakov of non-declaration of securities worth 124 million rubles, which is a gross violation of anti-corruption legislation and threatens deprivation of deputy status.

Just a dozen years ago, Polyakov was a small businessman at the beck and call of the Novosibirsk business sharks, and was bankrupt. The deputy mandate became for him a lucky ticket to the circle of the elite, to the world of power and big money. He acquired connections with influential officials and security officials, got involved in budget flows, and such rapid growth turned his head. True, the deputy jacket could not hide the habits of a typical businessman from the 90s. The “friend” of ministers and vice-governors at some point felt like almost the main “decider” in the region. Polyakov understands perfectly well that without parliamentary crusts he will again fall to the bottom.


Polyakov’s problems began last winter. First, residents of houses in the 1st and 2nd Shevtsovaya streets in Novosibirsk recorded a video message to President Vladimir and reached the head of the , Alexander Bastrykin. A criminal case was opened regarding a false examination that recognized the houses on the streets of Shevtsova as unsafe. Deputy Polyakov himself, as the customer of the examination, his wife, official assistant and business partners were also involved in the fraudulent scheme. They bought apartments in this microdistrict and immediately submitted applications for recognition of the houses as unsafe; Polyakov’s company paid for the examination, which was carried out in a matter of days by a company from Magnitogorsk, located a thousand kilometers away… Recognition of the houses as unsafe, devalued the apartments and reduced the costs of subsequent purchase of housing from the population. The is ongoing.

Polyakov received an even greater blow after the arrest of his closest assistant, Novosibirsk City Council deputy , who has been in jail for three months on charges of extorting bribes. All attempts to get Ukraintsev out from behind bars were unsuccessful. This is an alarming signal, Polyakov is becoming toxic. Numerous “friends” who fed from the Poles’ hands began to step aside. Polyakov’s current business partners, with whose money he is building his current business, are nervous, because “money loves silence.” And then there was a noisy scandal, the press and law enforcement officers, every step was examined as if under a microscope, it became very dangerous to be near Polyakov.

Now his own parliamentary position is under threat. Feeling that the ground is slipping from under his feet, Polyakov is trying in the public sphere to shift attention from his problems. This is how he is trying to stop the scandal of hiding his assets from the state. But all these publications do not answer the main questions, and Ukraintsev’s freedom will not be returned; moreover, it seems that Polyakov has already “leaked” his accomplice. Now his main task is to gain time to keep Ukraintsev silent for as long as possible. And during this time, Polyakov will probably have time to prepare a “reserve airfield” in the Middle East, because he likes to tell ignorant people how he “helped build” a Jewish school in Novosibirsk.

It is obvious that Polyakov is afraid that Ukraintsev will start talking and make a deal with the investigation. But what is Polyakov afraid of? Maybe some information about his financial arts during the restoration of Mariupol?

Is developer Polyakov in danger of being deprived of his parliamentary mandate?

It would seem – so what, I sold it and sold it. Of course, from the point of view of Ilya Leonidovich’s voters, whose average per capita income does not exceed half a million rubles per year per person, the amount of the transaction…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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