The -OGPU learned that airborne brigade commander Artem Gorodilov, arrested in connection with the case…

The Cheka-OGPU learned that airborne brigade commander Artem Gorodilov, arrested in connection with the case...
The Cheka-OGPU learned that airborne brigade commander Artem Gorodilov, arrested in connection with the case...

The -OGPU learned that Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Frolov, who was arrested in the case of airborne brigade commander Artem Gorodilov, is a very interesting person. The Ministry of Defense actively promoted him on its resources as a Z-hero. True, there Frolov was designated without a surname, but as “legendary”
the commander of a group of heavy snipers of the Airborne Forces with the call sign Executioner, who carries out the most secret operations in the Northern Military District. Dozens of stories were filmed about him.

Frolov was at one time an assistant to Dmitry Rogozin. According to sources, he is also the son of general and deputy director of Roscosmos Oleg Frolov, who was also arrested earlier in another case.


The Cheka-OGPU did not find complete confirmation of the relationship between the two Frolovs, but this is very similar to the truth.

Born in Kyiv, Frolov Jr. was officially registered in at the address of the Military Space Academy (VKA) named after A.F. Mozhaisky, which is part of the Aerospace Forces. Oleg Frolov once headed the VKA. But Konstantin Frolov received his passport in Troparevo-Nikulino in , the same place where his alleged father is registered.

In official declarations of different years, Konstantin Frolov everywhere
it is stated that he works at Mozhaika, but he independently indicated everywhere that he serves in the FSB as the head of a department. Moreover, Konstantin Frolov was introduced to many as the nephew of ex-VKS commander Sergei Surovikin.

On the Internet you can find a lot of information about Konstantin Frolov, as the commander of a group of heavy airborne snipers with the call sign Executioner. From the plots of Z-resources it follows that the officer has 12 wounds, many secret missions before the SVO, and a number of exploits in recent years.

The chest of the hereditary military man is hung with awards, including several orders of courage. He did not appear online on social networks for about a month, and before that, in June, he commented on the order to remove four deputy defense ministers from office, saying that they wanted to imprison him.

For some time, the son of General Oleg Frolov even managed to work as Dmitry Rogozin’s personal assistant. In St. Petersburg, Konstantin Frolov is a well-known person; someone knows him as an employee of the FSB, DVKR, GRU, SVR or FSO. He loved to create a fog around his already extraordinary personality.

Sources also say that Frolov at one time could have received the Hero of Russia by a closed order. During the selection of a preventive measure for him, Konstantin Frolov several times drew the court’s attention to the fact that until that moment he was, on the contrary, called a hero, and not an accused.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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