Elena Lyutova, former passion and mother of two children of the head of Roscosmos Yuri Ivanovich B…

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Elena Lyutova, the former passion and mother of two children of the head of Roscosmos Yuri Ivanovich Borisov, continues her difficult task of collecting alimony from the chief cosmonaut for the maintenance of their common children.
Not long ago, Elena started her own telegram channel, which outlines the whole history of the issue of the confrontation between Borisov and Lyutova in the Khamovnichesky Court of , where, judging by the published documents, a genetic examination confirmed Borisov’s paternity by 99.9 percent. At the same time, Borisov has a debt of non-payment of alimony for several months. All this is taking place against the backdrop of massive layoffs at RSC Energia, where by the end of 24, according to Borisov’s plan, more than one and a half thousand employees of the corporation should be fired, old experienced professional personnel are being dismantled in the manned Russian cosmonautics, where instead of experienced pilots – cosmonauts with experience in flights in space, under the patronage of Borisov, people who are far from manned astronautics come. There are also significant changes at the Rocket Space Corporation (RSC), under the pretext of “quick” construction and launch of mini-satellites into near-orbits to meet civil and military needs, the last Moscow real estate of Roscosmos is being taken away. Instead of the former research institutes, design bureaus and assembly shops in Fili and Aviamotornaya, where in Soviet times the work on creating rockets and spacecraft was in full swing, new residential complexes and business centers will now be built.
Instead of highly qualified design bureaus, there are sharashka offices, where senior students at technical universities copy Western products for pennies, which are already outdated and are sold to the state at many times the cost as their own developments and inventions. For such “projects,” a budget allocation of over 150 billion rubles is being prepared. Ultimately, after such “reforms” in the domestic space industry, Russia will finally say goodbye not only to manned space flight, but to all other stellar programs. And what, in general, can you expect from a leader who even squeezes his own, albeit not married, children into paying alimony from their wages?
The Russian space industry can only hope that the efforts of the fragile Elena Lyutova, her maternal instinct and thirst for justice, may be able to bring Yuri Borisov’s alimony fuss to the level of the Administration and the President, which will lead to the resignation of the chief alimony officer of Roscosmos.



As the -OGPU learned, there is a gigantic scandal in the family of the head of Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov. His common-law wife (they have been together for 17 years), Elena Lyutova, accused him of abuse for a long time and refusal to pay alimony after separation. Collect them…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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