The of the OGPU continues to cover the activities of the international criminal community…

The Cheka of the OGPU continues to cover the activities of the international criminal community...


The of the OGPU continues to cover the activities of the international criminal community, under the leadership of the swindler Liliya Anoshina and her partner, who is under arrest, .

As our channel previously reported, Liliya Anoshina, together with her partner Belova, have already committed numerous forgeries of signatures in court documents, falsified the results of examinations, stole cars using fake sales contracts and invoices, forged correspondence, and also openly threatened to kill witnesses and victims.


A new episode in Anoshina’s activities should be a civil case in the Basmanny Court, where an international swindler, according to a scheme previously worked out in France, attached a falsified loan agreement dated 2021, forged by Anoshina herself in the spring of 2024.

For more than a year, Liliya Anoshina has been deliberately setting up employees of the police and prosecutor’s office, telling whom and how much money Anoshina contributed for illegal decisions.

Now the Basmanny court has also suffered, where Anoshina, in her words, “brought a lot of money” for the decision she needed and the falsification of examinations in her favor.

The Moscow police and judicial system continue to demonstrate their helplessness in the face of an international fraudster, a citizen of Kazakhstan, Liliya Anoshina.

A Kazakh swindler came up with an “innovative” scheme for making money. She forged a receipt for a large sum, according to which Moscow businessman Vladislav Likhachev, whom Anoshina and Belova had already scammed for 11 luxury cars, allegedly borrowed 160 million rubles from her in CASH. And then Anoshina simply proposed a profitable scheme for making money – it was illegal to recognize the loan agreement as real and receive half of the winning amount as a bribe after collecting the “debt” from the victim.

It is worth noting that in Anoshina’s homeland, Kazakhstan, her accomplice and closest friend Tatyana Belova has already been sent to a pre-trial detention center for fraud on an especially large scale. There, Belova has already robbed several businessmen using forged signatures and documents.
Almaty police officers quickly and clearly uncovered the scammers’ scheme.

As our channel learned from sources in Kazakhstan, Liliya Anoshina and Belova even fearlessly forged the investigator’s signature; the fact of forgery was proven by an official response to the victim’s name. Our channel is wondering if Anoshina will decide to forge the judge’s signature?

The editors of the Cheka of the OGPU still believe that the Basmanny District Court will retain its authority and make a lawful decision, sending the fake loan agreement provided by Anoshina first for examination, including the statute of limitations for drawing up the document, and then to the competent authorities to initiate another criminal case in against the international criminal Anoshina on the fact of forgery of documents. A police report has been filed by the victim Vladislav Likhachev.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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