Sources report that in mid-July 2024, several correctional…

Sources report that in mid-July 2024, several correctional...


Sources report that in mid-July 2024, an outbreak of animal disease (pig) occurred in several correctional institutions in Mordovia. Objective signs and symptoms indicate that African swine fever (ASF) infection has most likely occurred. As a result, in Correctional Colony No. 7 (Sosnovka village), most of the livestock died and were buried directly on the territory of the correctional facility by the convicts. The remaining animals with obvious symptoms of the disease were hastily put under the knife by the same convicts, without the involvement of sanitary services. One can only guess where the meat of such pigs will be used. This fact is not isolated – similar information was received from Correctional Colony No. 1, located next door in the same village of Sosnovka, Zubovo-Polyansky district of Mordovia. But both cases were actually hidden from the sanitary-epidemiological, veterinary services and Rosselkhoznadzor authorities of the republic. Prison prisoners are ready to show the burial sites of animal remains on site for inspection and disinfection. Failure to take urgent measures threatens the large-scale spread of the epidemic, contamination of soil, surface and ground water, and also jeopardizes the health and lives of both prisoners and residents of the village, especially in conditions of persistent hot weather.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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