Former subordinates of Nikolai Levitsky (known for the ruin of the oil service giant…

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Former subordinates of Nikolai Levitsky (known for the ruin of the oil service giant Geotech Holding and the largest manufacturer of soft drinks Deka) were sent to the colony in his place. The charge in criminal case No. 12107490001000015 was brought against the former general director of Deka JSC in 2015-2018, Novikova E.V. and financial director Voronova O.E. From August 2017 to July 2018, the general and financial directors of Deka provided false documents about the financial condition of the company, which served as the basis for VTB to issue a loan to Deka JSC in the amount of 650 million rubles. In May 2019, Deka bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and the bank found itself broke. As a result, Novikova received 3 years of general regime, Voronova – 2.5 years.
The fact is that Novikova and Voronova were completely subordinate to Nikolai Levitsky (at that time the owner of Deka JSC) and carried out his business decisions. Officially, this was often formalized at Deka by decisions of the Board of Directors, which was headed by Levitsky since 2014. Thus, transactions for obtaining loans from VTB (imputed to Novikova and Voronova) were approved by the minutes of the Board of Directors – signed by Levitsky personally, but the prosecutor’s office was not interested in this fact. Deputy Prosecutor of the Novgorod Region, Senior Adviser of Justice Semenov D.A. did everything to prevent Levitsky’s name from being included in the criminal case file.
During the , Novikova and Voronova did not testify against Levitsky, hoping for his help in closing the criminal case, and also fearing Levitsky’s threats against the accused (close relatives of Novikova speak about such threats). During a search of Novikova, a letter from Levitsky’s lawyers was discovered with instructions on what to say and do during interrogations, not to admit the charges brought against him and, most importantly, not to mention Levitsky himself. The same letter stated that if Novikova follows the instructions, the criminal case will be closed and Novikova will not be prosecuted. In fact, Novikova and Voronova got off easy. In the case of the former head of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer (received 11 years of strict regime), criminal cases were opened against 18 people. Almost the entire former team of the governor – except for Levitsky, who at one time served as vice-governor of Komi. Now Levitsky, many of whose accomplices are in prison for his financial fraud, continues to withdraw assets from the ore mining company IRC Holding (which he currently nominally owns in the interests of Andrei Melnichenko). The partners participating with him in cutting up the next asset have no idea about their fate, although it is already predetermined.


Sources report that Nikolai Levitsky, a partner of the disgraced oligarch Andrei Melnichenko and ex-president of Eurochem, once again made a difficult decision to resolutely and definitely disengage, and therefore filed a petition with the for questioning as…



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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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