A source from the -OGPU reported that state employees from the capital were told: August 15 and 23…

A source from the Cheka-OGPU reported that state employees from the capital were told: August 15 and 23...


A source from the -OGPU reported that state employees from the capital were told: on August 15 and 23 there will be a test and a final test of the electronic voting system. These are control rehearsals for the elections to the City Duma of the 8th convocation, which will take place in September.

As we have already reported, the authorities are relying on electronic voting and are already testing all the necessary resources to avoid past mistakes. The organization and readiness of “loyal voters” is also checked.


All employees of the mayor’s office, various state budgetary institutions and the like have the obligatory task of organizing so that not only they themselves, but also three more people who need to be involved in electronic voting, cast their votes for the desired candidate. All “public sector employees” provide the full name and contact numbers of their “pocket voters.” And after voting on the official website of the mayor of Moscow, they are obliged to provide reports with screenshots showing that the “right choice” was made to their bosses.

Those notified are warned that they need to vote at 10.00 and if it doesn’t work, then try again and again until the vote is counted. Let us recall that in one of the previous “organized” votes, a massive influx of forced voters at the same time “dropped” the servers of the relevant department of the capital’s mayor’s office.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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