The Samara region never ceases to amaze, the news about the “golden judge” has not yet cooled down…

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The Samara region never ceases to amaze, the news about the “golden judge” – the ex-chairman of the Sixth Court of Cassation Alexander Efanov and the deprivation of powers of the judge of the 11th Arbitration Court of Appeal Nailya Safaeva, who transferred the lands of the Samarskaya Luka national park into private hands, as another looms a loud scandal in the judiciary.

As the editors of the of the OGPU learned, the qualification board of judges of the Samara region was inundated with complaints about the unlawful actions of the judge of the Avtozavodsky District Court of the city of Togliatti, Dina Borisenko.
The latter, having put on the mantle of a judge and imagining herself as Themis, completely forgot not only about the ethics of conducting trials, but also about the laws themselves, turning open court hearings solely at her whim into closed ones, prohibiting all participants in the process from making an audio recording, demanding to leave the courtroom as lawyers and journalists.


For example, on July 23, Judge Borisenko forced the lawyers to leave the courtroom without explanation. At the same time, before leaving, one of them turned to the presiding officer for clarification of the questions: is the process open and has he violated the rules of the court session?
The answer received will shock any more or less literate person: “the trial process is open, you did not violate the rules of the court session, but you are being removed in violation of Article 241 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.” Let us note that none of the paragraphs of this article were subject to the removal of a lawyer in this particular case.

This case, judging by the numerous complaints received by the Qualification Board of Judges of the Samara Region against Judge Borisenko, is not the only one.

Prosecutor’s office employees who are participants in the trials do not react properly to the lawlessness of judges in the courts.

Violations of the law and the conduct of trials, pre-prepared decisions, negotiations with representatives of the prosecutor’s office and security forces in the deliberation room before the start of the consideration of cases, not to mention the ethics of the judge’s behavior – phenomena are quite common in the work of this judge. And this is no longer a judicial error, but a deliberate distortion of the principles of legal proceedings, a clear disregard for the rules of law and a gross violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the participants in the process.

We will carefully monitor what is happening, whether the Samara Collegium of Judges will allow the case to proceed or, according to the good Samara tradition, they will “defend” their colleague to the last, until the problem is pointed out from with all the ensuing consequences.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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