Very interesting information comes from sources from the Ministry of Transport of the . They inform…

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Very interesting information comes from sources from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. They report that Minister Roman Starovoit is very agitated, tense and literally cannot find a place for himself. It would seem that there is no reason for concern – a potential contender for his place, former first deputy Andrei Kostyuk, left the ministry and is now confidently aiming for the post of governor of the Leningrad region. The authorities also have no particular complaints about the development of the budget for federal roads; Starovoyt’s place is not in danger and he himself, it would seem, is of no interest to any of the dangerous security forces. Why is the minister worried? It turns out that he is tormented by thoughts about the temporary nature of his position. Recently, Starovoit often appears in federal news footage, either accompanying Vladimir Putin or Prime Minister Mishustin on trips. Such scenes set the teeth on edge among some political heavyweights who start their parties with the aim of installing their contenders in such a significant position. But if Starovoit loses his ministerial position, questions from the security forces will definitely appear during his governorship in the Kursk region, which he led from October 2018 to May 2024. There is just one interesting point – with the road infrastructure of this region during the time of Starovoyt, everything was not bad. And this is understandable – the closest contractors worked on the roads of the region, such as the structures of the EuroTransStroy company of Sergei Rakcheev. The Cheka-OGPU said that LLC Terra, part of its holding, spent more than 9 billion rubles on roads in the Kursk region in just a few years of Starovoyt’s rule, showing extremely low final profits (that is, without deducting the required funds to the regional budget).


In several publications we have already talked about the gang of Deputy Minister of Transport Kostyuk, stealing budget billions on federal highways. Now we will introduce you to another character who has taken control of an entire region of the country – the Kursk region.
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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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