The -OGPU publishes an extract from the order on early dismissal from military service in…

The Cheka-OGPU publishes an extract from the order on early dismissal from military service in...
The Cheka-OGPU publishes an extract from the order on early dismissal from military service in...

The -OGPU publishes an extract from the order on the early release from military service to the reserve of the former commander of the 58th Army, Ivan Popov. He “fell down” in the fight with the Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov. They also want to imprison Popov for using the “wrong” funds to purchase fpv drones and other means to support the operations of his units, which they were deprived of as a result of the conflict with Gerasimov.

Let us recall that the conflict between Gerasimov and Popov began when the latter rudely refused to “embellish” his report for and not mention the big problems existing on the front. During that period of time, Putin actually heard reports from all the commanders of the armies taking part in the hostilities. Gerasimov created for Putin the feeling that everything was in perfect order and there were no problems, including through the commanders whom he personally instructed before the conversation with the president. Popov was the only one who did not agree to such conditions for Gerasimov and sent him “to hell” in plain text. After which Gerasimov did not allow Popov to report to Putin and rotted him until he was fired and faced a criminal case. This is the reason why Gerasimov will never allow Popov to return to service, since he understands that he will not miss the opportunity to take revenge.


Gerasimov is guided by the motto in such matters – “you can’t make mistakes.”


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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