Meet another member of the group of security forces and part-time…

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Meet another member
Petersburg group of security forces and part-time right hand
Oleg Kolesnikov, Vitaly Lavrishchev!
After Kolesnikov left, the young colonel was appointed deputy chief
Department of Criminal of .
Vitaly Lavrishchev has outdone his patron in business and begins the morning in expensive restaurants, arriving in the same Audi for 28 million that previously belonged to
Kolesnikov, but he has breakfast exclusively with representatives of business and criminals in St. Petersburg.
The -OGPU will tell about one of the episodes of extortion from a large St. Petersburg developer EVROINVEST.
The security forces, having learned that in the city
In Murino, Leningrad region, a transport hub will be built and a garage cooperative will be partially demolished. They decided to get rich quick by purchasing a strategic, correctly located garage with an area of ​​20 square meters.
(47:07:0712017:44 row 47th place
18). And then difficult times came for Euroinvest.
The fact is that it was in this place that EUROINVEST Andrei Berezin and Maria Parfenenko agreed with the government
Leningrad region to build a transport hub. When they ran into the garage at number
-18 then miracles began to happen: first bandits appeared, then threats from Kolesnikov and Lavrishchev. They even involved the well-known St. Petersburg boss Artem Begun in the negotiations, but when the security forces were still not paid the desired millions, their partner from the of the Leningrad Region, Vladimir Ivanyuk, got involved. Almost instantly, criminal cases began to be initiated, massive searches began to be carried out at EUROINVEST, and Colonels Lavrishchev and Kolesnikov conveyed to Mr. Andrei Berezin (the owner of the company) that all the problems were precisely because of the garage and until he paid, he would not sleep well. Mr. Berezin is a well-connected man, but clearly understanding who he was dealing with, he nevertheless decided to leave Russia for a while.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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