“Andrey, help me resolve the issue with Alisher peacefully. I have two options. That is…

"Andrey, help me resolve the issue with Alisher peacefully. I have two options. That is...


“Andrey, help me resolve the issue with Alisher peacefully. I have two options. That is, they will kill me or close the issue.”

The CTO regime, among other things, was introduced in the Belgorod region, which is represented in the State Duma by authoritative deputy . Skoch’s working life as a deputy is clearly visible from a letter that somehow came directly to his official email in the State Duma and which ended up at the disposal of the -OGPU. These workdays are like in the 90s, when Skoch was a prominent member of the Solntsevo brotherhood. Or, as in the 2000s, when Skoch was at the epicenter of events surrounding the famous gangster massacre on Rochdelskaya.


This letter is so interesting that we are publishing it in its entirety. The characters are very clear: Alisher-Skoch’s partner ; “Deputy Adam” – Adam Delimkhanov; Ramzan-Ramzan Kadyrov.

“Hello Andrey

Andrey, I will forgive you, solve the problem between me and Alisher, let him close the issue with me. I swear to the Lord God that Livon owed me seven million dollars and Alisher owed him, and I swear to the Lord that Livon promised me to return my money after Alisher gave him his money. And I told you back in 2014 about Livon and that he had complaints against Alisher, but did not talk about the details and about my relationship with Livon. Andrey is a lot of money for me and under no circumstances will I leave the issue unresolved and I will do everything for Alisher to close the issue with me. The problem is that if I involve Deputy Adam to resolve the issue, I will have to say your name and say that during our meeting I told you about Livon and his claims against Alisher. I don’t want to cause problems for anyone and, first of all, to highlight our acquaintance with you. I know that if I turn to Adam, the question will reach Ramzan, and I’m afraid that this will turn out to be a big mess. Ramzan knows me, I met him in 2004 and after that we talked on the phone several times.

Andrey, I will once again forgive you so that you can help me resolve the issue peacefully between me and Alisher. I already wrote to you that there are two options. They will kill me or close the issue. Andrey, I’m sorry, but in order for Alisher to close the issue with me, I’m using all options, I hope that you will find the right solution. I wrote to you that my nervous system was completely destroyed and therefore I often wrote to you what I should not have written. I am sorry and offer You my sincere apologies. I will wait for Your response. With respect to you Alex”


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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