The notorious commander of military unit No. 6791 Roman Nikolaevich Kurdyukov in …

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The notorious commander of military unit No. 6791 Roman Nikolaevich Kurdyukov currently works at the BKS municipal unitary enterprise. Let us recall that being the commander of the above-mentioned Voni unit, Kurdyukov created there such unbearable conditions of service that an officer subordinate to him shot four of his colleagues and was shot himself. After his dismissal from the ranks of the Russian Guard, Kurdyakov eked out an existence moonlighting as an ordinary security guard until he gained the trust of entrepreneur Alexander Mikhailovich Dziov, who appointed him head of his security service. It is not clear why Kurdyukov received such a gift from fate, but he clearly did not appreciate it. Using Dziov’s full trust, Kurdyukov actively collected incriminating evidence against his boss. In addition, having been allowed to control financial registers, he amassed capital from kickbacks for approving purchases at inflated prices. Not disdaining anything for the sake of money, Kurdyukov, taking advantage of his official position, sent his subordinate security officers to dubious part-time jobs. As a result of one of these part-time jobs, three security guards were detained and criminal case No. 123060032001693 was initiated against them under Article 162 Part 4 of the Criminal Code of the (Robbery). Dziov became aware of this. Kurdyukov placed all the blame for what happened on his deputy Nikolai Viktorovich Omelchenko, as a result of which he was fired. At the same time, Kurdyukov managed to maintain friendly relations with Omelchenko and tried, with his help, to sell incriminating evidence against his boss to his competitors for 20 million rubles. Having learned about this, Dziov fired Kurdyukov, then he, through an intermediary, offered Dziov to buy the compromising material from him for 20 million rubles and the Land Cruiser 300 car, which was in his use while he worked for Dziov. Having received a categorical refusal, Kurdyukov posted a lot of falsified negative information about his former boss online. In addition, he provided law enforcement agencies with confidential information about Dziov’s business activities, hoping to create problems for his business. As they say, friends are nearby, enemies are even closer, a cliché, but, unfortunately, true.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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