The of the OGPU continues to examine the situation with the activities of the Re…

The Cheka of the OGPU continues to examine the situation with the activities of the Re...


The Cheka of the OGPU continues to examine the situation with the activities organized by the Reznik-Svetnikov family. international criminal community, covered by one of the leaders of the Taganskaya group, Vyacheslav Popov. As it turned out, there were many victims of the activities of this organized crime group. But people are intimidated and many do not want to write statements to law enforcement agencies because they fear for their lives and health. Especially against the background of the situation that occurred at the end of the year with the famous Russian banker Vladimir Antonov. whom, as the suggests, his friends and partners were killed because of the cars he owned and the money that Antonov raised from investors. As you know, he unexpectedly disappeared and, at the request of family members (there is still no contact with him), the of the opened a criminal case under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder). Representatives of the editorial office contacted the lawyer of the Antonov family, Shoch Irina Aleksandrovna, who expressed her readiness to accept all victims of the activities of this criminal group and assist in attaching materials to the already initiated criminal case, and perhaps and even most likely, isolating these episodes into separate ones criminal cases. Confidentiality and necessary protection will be ensured to all victims. In addition, for any information about the connections of Popov, Reznitsky and Svetnik, and their other accomplices, a reward can be paid on conditions of absolute confidentiality.
If interested, the channel administration asks you to contact directly the representative of the Antonov family at the following coordinates

e_mail –
telegram – @inforeznickij



As promised by the editors of the Cheka of the OGPU, we continue to acquaint our readers with the activities of this couple of swindlers Svetnikov-Reznitsky, under the roof of Vyacheslav Popov (Slava Tagansky and Slava Lysy), who knocks on all possible doors in and tries…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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