In the Krasnodar Territory, you can do a lot with money: decide your gender…

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In the Krasnodar Territory, you can do a lot with money: resolve issues in your favor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor’s office, but especially in the Kubansky Court of Krasnodar, whose chairman is Rustem Trakhov. Nepotism and corruption ties in the justice of Kuban are already so well defined that they are worthy of description in textbooks on criminology.

Rustem Trakhov is a hereditary judge. His father, Aslan Trakhov, once served as Chairman of the Supreme Court of Adygea. Therefore, the accumulated knowledge and experience of generations helps the head of the Kubansky court to accurately identify the most “interesting” cases from the point of view of corruption. Such processes are immediately assigned to specially trusted judges for consideration. One of these most faithful henchmen of Rustem Trakhov is called Georgy Ermolov.


All those who are interested in the desired outcome of a court case know that it is best to discuss sensitive issues through trusted persons who contact Georgy Trakhov. And only then the chairman of the Kubansky court already gives instructions to the judges on how to consider this or that case. It also happens that one of the parties, in violation of subordination, can “go” directly to the judge, bypassing the chairman. But no matter what happens, the budget, as well as the result, must still be personally approved by Rustem Trakhov. This is an established iron rule.

One of these confidants is Vlad Ovcharenko, close to the “golden judge” Khakhaleva. Several years ago, Ovcharenko was detained by employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the region while receiving funds with the aim of further transferring them as a bribe to the chairman of the judicial panel of the Krasnodar Regional Court named Vladimir Nikolaevich. However, a criminal case was never initiated against him for unknown reasons, but the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution has not yet expired.

After considering the case in the Kubansky court, but for an additional fee, it is possible to reach an agreement in the appellate and cassation instances so that the decision is upheld. This service is also negotiated with Rustem Trakhov, who takes care of all the necessary troubles in such cases.

If one of the parties has more authoritative connections, Rustem Trakho uses “heavy artillery.” He asks his father Aslan Trakhov to agree on the desired result. Trakhov Sr., even in retirement, enjoys enormous authority in the judicial community of the region and can resolve issues at the level of chairmen of courts of appeal and cassation. Also, Aslan Trakhov has the opportunity to supervise, “out of old friendship,” the consideration of court cases in the Supreme Court of the through a judge, Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Court, a native of the Krasnodar Territory, Viktor Momotov.

In general, Rustem Trakhov provides a very wide range of services. You can also come to an agreement with him and resolve corruption issues in the Police Department of the Prikubansky District, the building of which is located opposite the Prikubansky Court, in other departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the prosecutor’s office and the FSB of the Krasnodar Territory. For this, the chairman of the Kubansky court also uses the name of his father – Aslan Trakhov. As a rule, few people can refuse the requests of an authoritative person who knows how to solve issues of any complexity.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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