As the -OGPU found out, the leadership of the Russian Special Operations Forces began shifting responsibility…

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As the -OGPU found out, the leadership of the Russian MTR began shifting responsibility to lower ranks for the death of specialists from the 322nd Senezh Center on July 28 in the Chernigov region. As a result, the deputy head of the 322nd Guard Center, Colonel Miroshnikov (Hero of Russia), initiated charges against the head of the 1st Directorate (Special Operations) of the 322nd Guard Center, Colonel Dmitry Aleksandrovich Dudin (previously not awarded the title of Hero of Russia) for the death of 6 Center specialists during a raid in Semenovsky district of Chernigov region. It is worth noting that Miroshnikov is trying to hide from the top leadership the fact of the report of the commander of the guard group, Major Vasiliev Alexander, that the group was identified by the enemy at the moment of crossing the border, after which the question was immediately raised about the advisability of returning the entire group to its territory. However, Miroshnikov directly recommended to Dudin not to return people and to continue the task if the latter still hopes to receive the Hero of Russia. As a result, Miroshnikov’s desire to report on the heroic achievements of his subordinates was crowned by the cowardice of taking responsibility for the deaths of six officers. The only thing that Guard Colonel Miroshnikov was smart enough to do was to come up with a fairy tale for the leadership that the continuation of the task was motivated by the plan to lure and destroy the American special forces that had appeared in the Chernigov region.


Against the backdrop of the events in Mali, the leadership of the Russian Special Operations Forces considered it expedient to conceal the fact of the death of its servicemen operating as part of a sabotage and reconnaissance group in the Chernigov region. According to a source of the Cheka-OGPU, on July 28 of this year…



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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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