“I took the razor apart, cut my hands, and they gave her cabbage soup and wrapped it in tape” Key s…

“I took the razor apart, cut my hands, and they gave her cabbage soup and wrapped it in tape” Key s...


“I took the razor apart, cut my hands, and they gave her cabbage soup and wrapped it in tape.”

The key witness and victim in the case of an “elite rehab” in the region, a well-known fitness trainer and the son of the chief accountant of one of the institutes of the Ministry of Health, Andrei Kabychkin, told the -OGPU about real torture against people within the walls of the “Vector of Life” rehabilitation center.


The interlocutor spent about seven months under the roof of the houses of this network of centers and compares them with being in a concentration camp. According to Andrei Kabychkin, a strict hierarchy and draconian regime reign within the team inside the establishment. People within the walls of the center were subjected to “therapy” with the help of potent drugs, beaten and abused in every possible way. Regular torture included deprivation of sleep, food and communication with other rehabilitators.

Among those who filed a complaint with law enforcement agencies due to illegal imprisonment (many patients were kept in the centers for years: their relatives were told that treatment for addiction was not yet completed): a former assistant to a State Duma deputy, a former police officer and others. Investigators of the have already detained the organization’s security guards and soon the so-called “consultants”, “volunteers”, “motivators” and the alleged organizer “psychologist” of the center Artyom Nefedov will be brought in for questioning.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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