The editors of the Fox Basilio channel recently announced that they would maintain a section of an important federal…

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The editors of the Fox Basilio channel recently reported that the maintenance of a section of the important federal highway M-9 “Baltia” was customarily entrusted to Pskov Highways LLC, owned by Sergei Trubnikov. Behind the seemingly ordinary news lies the inviolability of a group consisting of officials and businessmen, controlling trillion-dollar budgets for the repair and construction of federal highways in a number of regions of the country. The usual contractors from the circle of close associates continue to receive contracts in the new season, despite the recent rapid resignation of the First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Andrei Kostyuk. Kostyuk was a key figure in the group in the ministry, because it was he who did all the work. As expected by the -OGPU, the post of first deputy minister was taken by Valery Ivanov, who became famous both for high-profile criminal cases in the Northwestern Federal District and for his piquant adventures in Thailand. However, Ivanov is extremely knowledgeable about economics (especially the shadow economy) and the road sector, so his appointment completely leveled out the position of the group, and, perhaps, had a good impact on the affairs of the entire Ministry of Transport. But the possible future fate of the dismissed Andrei Kostyuk began to emerge. Not long ago, information began to appear in the media and telegram channels about the transfer of new large road contracts in the Northwestern Federal District to understandable businessmen. Moreover, we were talking not only about federal budgets, but also about large-scale road construction of regional routes, including in the Leningrad region. According to our information, the procedure for approving Kostyuk for the post of new governor of the Leningrad region has begun. It is clear that it is too early to talk about the result, despite all the power and influence of the group, but, if successful, it will have at its disposal a region with a budget expenditure of over 330 billion rubles, and the prospect of large federal investments in the coming years. So the game is worth the candle.


The Pskov section of the important federal highway M-9 “Baltia” was again, as usual, entrusted to Pskov Highways LLC. The company, which supposedly bears a municipal name, actually belongs to Sergei Trubnikov, a good friend of the former first deputy…



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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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