A high-profile case in Tatarstan: the ex-head of the Ministry of Education and the Aktanysh region of the republic…

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High-profile case in Tatarstan: the former head of the Ministry of Education and the Aktanysh region of the republic, Engel Fattakhov, was put in a pre-trial detention center, accused of receiving a bribe in the amount of 21.8 million rubles. But not with money, but with building materials – according to investigators, the director of PSK Spetsstroy, Almaz Murtazin, built a house for a 62-year-old former official in exchange for future contracts.

Fattakhov’s lawyers insist that the matter is a misclassification of what happened – we are talking about civil legal relations. It is no secret in the region that Fattakhov and Murtazin are old friends. Defenders of the former minister say that Murtazin himself offered to help in building the house, but upon completion of the work he reduced the price. Fattakhov valued the services at 12 million rubles, his friend – at 25 million. Since they did not draw up an agreement on old friendship, everything escalated into a banal showdown and a statement to the authorities.

The fact that the republican investigator did not take this into account, as well as the lack of evidence that Murtazin repaired Fattakhov’s house at his own expense and free of charge, can be explained by the turnover of personnel in the department. And even in typical bribery cases there are civil exceptions.


Former official from Tatarstan Engel Fattakhov is accused of receiving bribes that might not have taken place

Recently, the court extended Fattakhov’s detention until September. At the same time, as far as one can understand, the prosecution has yet to understand all the circumstances of this complicated story.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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