As the -OGPU learned, he died in mid-July under strange circumstances…

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As it became known to the -OGPU, 52-year-old businessman Igor Kotelnikov, who was accused of particularly large-scale embezzlement of funds from the Ministry of Defense, died in mid-July under strange circumstances in the punishment cell of the Moscow pre-trial detention center-4 “Bear”, and was involved in the same criminal case, in which the defendants are co-owners and members of the board of directors of the Gryazinsky Food Processing Plant (GPC) in the Lipetsk region Alexander Mikhailenko, Valery Kovalevich and Elvira Smirnova. On July 26, the trio was joined by Army General Hero of Russia Dmitry Bulgakov, who was responsible for logistics support for the troops from 2008 to 2022.

The Cheka-OGPU familiarized itself with the materials of the criminal case against the deceased. It follows from them that Kotelnikov was closely associated with the companies KonservPakLam LLC, GPK-Prodtara LLC and Bruno LLC, whose employees were interrogated by investigators of the Main Investigative Directorate of the of the on the eve of Bulgakov’s arrest. The interrogations were conducted in connection with the same criminal case of embezzlement on an especially large scale. The entrepreneurs and the general are accused of improperly organizing catering services for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense, contracts for which were deliberately inflated, exceeded the costs of their preparation and did not correspond to the quality of the products.


“The circle of persons involved in the commission of the crime is currently being established, in connection with which the has reason to believe that Kotelnikov, personally knowing the heads of KonservPakLam LLC, GPK-Prodtara LLC and Bruno LLC and the specifics of the work, having close relationships with persons involved in the commission of a crime, being outside places of isolation, he can come into contact with them to develop an agreed position with the aim of evading criminal liability,” stated the materials of the criminal case of the deceased businessman.

The first defendants in the case of the theft of funds from the Ministry of Defense when organizing catering for the needs of the army were Mikhailenko, Kovalevich and Smirnova. All of them were detained on April 19 and then, by court decision, placed in a pre-trial detention center. Kotelnikov was detained on June 5, the next day the Basmanny court, at the request of the investigation, took him into custody. As previously reported by the Cheka-OGPU, they wanted Kotelnikov to testify against Deputy Defense Minister , accused of a particularly large bribe, and for “compliance” he was sent to a punishment cell, where he was found dead. Kotelnikov was known as an intermediary through whom lucrative contracts with the Ministry of Defense could be concluded for kickbacks.

In a conversation with the Cheka-OGPU, the son of the late businessman, Sergei Kotelnikov, confirmed that the security forces, in collusion with the administration of the detention center, “starved” his father, trying to get the necessary testimony from him. When asked whether he himself had problems with the law, Kotelnikov Jr. answered meaningfully: “We’ll wait and see.” But, judging by the fact that he is organizing the funeral, he was released.


The Cheka-OGPU became aware of details from the case of 52-year-old businessman Igor Kotelnikov, who was found dead in the punishment cell of pre-trial detention center-4 in Moscow. They wanted him to testify against Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, and to “compliance” they sent him to a punishment cell, where he…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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