As the -OGPU learned, clan wars in the FSB are gaining climax…

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As the -OGPU learned, clan wars in the FSB are gaining culminating momentum. And this is due not only to the venerable age of the FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, the shift in the control center of the law enforcement bloc (and not only) of the country from Igor Sechin towards Yuri Kovalchuk, the “purges” in the 5th FSB Service and the very likely imminent resignation of the head of the 2nd Services of Colonel General Alexey Sedov. Realizing that big changes are coming soon, the clans begin the process of “throwing out” dirt on each other, and also, with the help of imprisonments and criminal cases, to deal with the inner circle of their competitors for future positions.

But in addition to serious showdowns within the FSB itself, there is a risk of a clash between the intelligence service and the FSO SBP. So, in the most closed mode, operatives of the 6th Internal Security Service of the FSB (chief Mikhail Tarakanov and employee Sergei Shirshov) are currently trying to obtain incriminating statements from pre-trial detention center inmates in various criminal cases against a former high-ranking employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and subsequently the head of the entire “special department” of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and in fact, who is an officer of the Directorate “M” of the FSB of Russia – Alexander Lyalkin. Moreover, the latter is the closest comrade and fellow countryman of the boss of Mikhail Tarakanov himself – the head of the FSB Internal Security Service Alexei Vertyashkin.


Thus, in an attempt to obtain testimony against Lyalkin, Shirshov and Tarakanov (Vertyashkin’s subordinates), they actually take as a “hostage” a person who knows everything (including the scale of corruption) about their leader, FSB General Vertyashkin. In addition, Lyalkin is also a long-time fighting friend of the Deputy Director of the FSO and the head of the FSO SBP, Alexey Rubezhny, who during and after the Covid restrictions had and still has very close access to ‘s “body”. It is noteworthy that in the very near future this stage of culmination in the showdown within the FSB will be replaced by another stage – the adoption at the very “top” of personnel decisions within the intelligence service. And this should happen before the New Year.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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