Raider takeover of RKhTUWe continue to monitor the situation around the leading chemical…

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Raider takeover of RHTU

We continue to monitor the situation around the country’s leading chemical-technological university – RKhTU named after. DI. Mendeleev. As the media have repeatedly written, the university is in a turbulent state. In December 2023, elections for the rector were held, but the winning candidate has still not been appointed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the university continues to be led by the notorious Ilya Vladimirovich Vorotyntsev (a close friend of the recently arrested rector of the Kant University Alexander Fedorov), who became famous for his active struggle for the post of rector by all means available to him. Despite the money spent, he failed to win the elections, and now, according to our information, I.V. Vorotyntsev is trying to gracefully dodge criminal cases that are awaiting initiation in the RF (classic articles for rectors in Russia – abuse of power, fraud and embezzlement of public funds).


According to our information, the Ministry, bypassing all legal procedures, is trying to prevent the appointment of a legally elected rector, and is trying to push Evgeniy Rumyantsev into the position (his contract as Rector of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University is just about to end). A.A., known for his long-term trade in positions, is circumventing legal procedures in the Ministry of Education and Science. Svistunov, who contributed to the implementation of the Russian Chemical Technology University named after. Mendeleev’s character with a dark past – K.I. Kapernaumov, whose main task was to disrupt the election of the rector. But after the failure of this task, a decision was made to act ahead and now there are rumors that after the appointment of E.V. Rumyantsev at the university, the charter will be changed and a new leader will be approved for the position of Rector. This means that in our country no one cares about the opinion of the team that voted and by an absolute majority chose the rector from the team, and the opinion of the scientific community can simply be broken over the knee.

One question remains, whether the Minister of Education and Science of the Valery Nikolaevich Falkov himself knows about this situation. Is it with his consent that there is an open trade in positions and a gross violation of the law of the Russian Federation.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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