The current Deputy Minister of Economy of Armenia, Narek Teryan, lived and worked for a long time…

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The current Deputy Minister of Economy of Armenia, Narek Teryan, lived and worked in the for a long time. During this time, he earned a reputation as a bribe-taker and swindler. Teryan was a defendant in a criminal case for accepting bribes, as well as a defendant in civil cases for non-repayment of borrowed funds.
Previously, Teryan worked in the government of the region as head of the consumer market department of the investment and business development department of the Krasnogorsky city district.
In 2018, he was detained in a criminal case for accepting bribes, and searches were carried out at his addresses. Teryan himself managed to quit on time and miraculously avoid punishment. And his deputies Limarenko and Rotar were convicted of committing six crimes under Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Obviously, he could not help but know about the dealings of his closest subordinates, who distributed land plots for use in exchange for bribes. Teryan probably knew about these crimes, and perhaps had a share.
Then he returned to Armenia and took the post of Deputy Minister of Economy. He leads a public lifestyle and gives interviews in which he boastfully claims that he lives on money he previously earned. In fact, Teryan borrowed large sums and did not return them. This is confirmed based on open sources.
The website of the Gagarinsky District Court contains information about three civil cases regarding the recovery of money from Teryan.
Teryan was convicted of deception as established by a court decision in case No. 2-0489/2022: he borrowed 2,289,000 rubles and refused to repay.
There is also case No. 2-1094/2023 and case No. 2-0014/2024. There Teryan borrowed $287 thousand and $150 thousand from two other people. In both cases, Teryan issued receipts for the money and refused to return it.
Teryan announced that a handwriting examination would be carried out, citing the fact that he allegedly did not write the receipt for 150 thousand dollars. He wanted to make fools of the experts by providing them with distorted handwriting and signature samples. However, experts revealed this and directly indicated that the handwriting samples taken from Teryan were deliberately distorted. Based on free samples, it was confirmed that Teryan himself wrote the receipt.
In case No. 2-1094/2023, Teryan falsified correspondence in Telegram, according to which he allegedly had already returned 287 thousand dollars and 150 thousand dollars, and provided this correspondence to the court. According to him, he either did not take the money and did not write any receipts, or he returned the money completely. Such inconsistent behavior speaks for itself.
Since Teryan is probably a swindler and a swindler, police reports were filed against him. OP No. 1 of the Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Orel initiated a criminal case regarding the theft of 287 thousand dollars.
As part of the , an examination of the Telegram correspondence presented by Teryan was carried out. The expert concluded that it had most likely been altered and could not be considered reliable.
So, the investigation established that the correspondence was falsified. By presenting such evidence to the court, Teryan could commit two more crimes, which is why the investigator identified two more materials in the criminal case.
Thus, Teryan could be involved in bribes, owes more than 40 million and could be imprisoned for at least four crimes: two under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for fraud on an especially large scale and two under Art. 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for providing falsified evidence.
Another incident was the icing on the cake. Teryan promised one couple to organize marriage registration in the prestigious registry office of Moscow without waiting in line, which generally requires waiting for several months. In the end, the marriage registration did not take place, but Teryan assured that this was not important and he would give the marriage certificate later.
Next, he sent a photo of the marriage certificate via WhatsApp, then handed over the original. The correspondence was submitted by Teryan to the case materials and was subject to examination by the court. As it turned out, the marriage certificate turned out to be fake, and the marriage was not actually concluded.
Considering Teryan’s type, this is just the tip of the iceberg of his immoral deeds and there will probably be one or two more skeletons in his closet. However, neither his resourcefulness nor his escape to Armenia will help him avoid responsibility for his actions.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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