The -OGPU has become aware of another unpleasant story of the most secret woman…

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The -OGPU became aware of another unpleasant story of the most secret woman from Igor Sechin’s inner circle – his daughter-in-law Kristina Sechin. A woman who changed her settings three times to enter the family of the head of Rosneft was seen in a dubious family adventure with her mother-in-law Marina Sechina.

Previously, we told in detail the secret of Tatyana-Kristina Sultanova-Shchedrina-Sechina, who recently became a widow twice. First, she buried the husband of the Formula 1 organizer in Sochi, Sergei Vorobyov, and then her husband, Ivan Sechin, who was the heir to Igor Sechin’s empire, died in her arms.


As the Cheka-OGPU managed to find out, despite all the secrecy of the “Kristina Sechina” project, the daughter-in-law of the head of the state corporation in February 2023 openly went to court demanding that she be given an apartment in the main unfinished building of the capital – the Kutuzovskaya Mile residential complex. This property, as you know, was unsuccessfully tried by the developer FCSR, which belonged to Igor Sechin’s ex-wife, Marina Sechina, and is now in the process of bankruptcy.

The subject of Kristina Sechina’s claims was just one two-room apartment in an elite house under construction on Davydkovskaya Street with an area of ​​just under one hundred square meters. It follows from the statement that Tatyana Sultanova at the beginning of 2018 (even before her official marriage to Ivan Sechin) allegedly bought the right to square meters from shareholder Sergei Bestuzhev for 16 million rubles, who allegedly transferred Sberbank bills of exchange in the amount of about 13 million rubles under the DUDS agreement. million rubles.

But, as it was established in court, Kristina Sechina could not have been unaware of the bankruptcy of the developer and entered into an agreement after proceedings arose over the unfinished construction. For example, the same Sergei Bestuzhev was publicly named as a bankruptcy trustee as a person affiliated with the developer, who suddenly had contracts for dozens of apartments in his hands. But the movements in the FCSR accounts did not at all confirm that Bestuzhev and other similar “persons” fulfilled their contractual obligations and paid for the shares.

In addition, the court found that the beneficiary of the development company, Marina Sechina, is a relative of the applicant Kristina Sechina. Based on this and the lack of evidence of payment, Igor Sechin’s daughter-in-law was denied inclusion in the register of her demands for the transfer of the apartment to her.


Home secrets of the Sechin family

Part 1

The Cheka-OGPU became aware of the sensational secret of the most “closed” house – Igor Sechin. It turned out that the wife of the son of the head of Rosneft, Ivan (died 40 days ago), Kristina Vladimirovna Sechina, has a reputation in certain circles…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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