“And red, and motley, and a barren flower”©The last month has not left the agenda for…

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“And red, and colorful, and barren flowers”©

‼️Over the past month, the topic of migrants has not left the agenda of the highest national importance. Started by the Chairman of the , , a couple of years ago, it has now reached its apogee: speeches by the grandees of our politics, mass raids to identify illegal immigrants, the adoption of prohibitory bills by the State Duma… (well, you get the idea).


As the Chairman of the Investigative Committee recently noted, Pskov men are no worse than migrants: they know how to build, they can also live in trailers, the main thing is to pay them normal salaries, which Alexander Ivanovich even personally told some of the businessmen about.

I was toying with this idea, toying with it, and then it dawned on me! See:
1️⃣ A patent for a migrant costs 7,500 rubles per month.
2️⃣ The basic rate of contributions to the pension fund for a Russian is 30% of his salary.

That is, a migrant becomes more profitable for any employer, starting with a salary of more than 25,000 rubles. And since in hard work, where migrants actually plow, salaries start at 80,000 rubles, not only do they cost the employer as much as 15,000 rubles less than Russians, but it’s not a sin to throw them away – they definitely won’t go to court later! Why not benefit?

📌It turns out that in order to combat labor migration, and to employ Pskov men, it is enough to reduce taxes on salaries, or sell patents at a higher price, and not all this from high stands…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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