The -OGPU learned that in relation to a certain citizen Vyacheslav Ar…

The Cheka-OGPU learned that in relation to a certain citizen Vyacheslav Ar...


The -OGPU learned that a series of fraudulent actions were committed against a certain citizen Vyacheslav Arnoldovich Zaitsev, as a result of which property belonging to him was stolen.
Regarding this fact, he contacted the Kotelnikovsky OP of the Lyuberetskoye Municipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. After some time, detective Dmitry Mikhailovich Kapranov, who conducted the inspection, reported that some people were contacting his management and offering to “resolve” the issue. After which Kapranov stopped communicating, and the applicant did not receive any response. The applicant filed a complaint with the Lyubertsy prosecutor’s office.
The applicant’s complaint was considered by the assistant prosecutor, Igor Evgenievich Zolotarev, after which miracles began. The audit material began to be transferred from one detective to another, the summoned attacker was questioned formally, and the false arguments he indicated about non-involvement in the theft were not verified at all. The applicant filed a complaint with the Lyubertsy Court of the Region, in which he asked to recognize the inaction of the police as illegal. However, when considering the complaint in court, assistant prosecutor Igor Zolotarev indicated that during the inspection he conducted, a number of violations were identified and the inspection is currently being carried out objectively and a legal decision will soon be made. Guided by the opinion of Igor Zolotarev, the court refused to satisfy the applicant’s complaint. After 2 months, having received no response, Vyacheslav Zaitsev again appealed to the Lyubertsy court with a request to oblige the police to do their job. During the consideration of the complaint, assistant prosecutor Igor Zolotarev turned out to be true to himself; he again firmly convinced Judge Yulia Terekhova that an was underway, he found a number of violations in the actions of the police, and the applicant’s arguments did not deserve any attention.
Igor Zolotarev comes to court hearings wearing a Swiss Ulisse Nardin Diver watch worth about 3 million rubles, considering it legal and justified. Well, let’s see what violations Zolotarev revealed in the work of the police, and most importantly, what measures will be taken.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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