As previously reported, Aram Ashotovich Gabrelyanov and a group of people, hiding behind an offshore…

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As previously reported, Aram Ashotovich Gabrelyanov and a group of people, under the guise of an offshore TIG, carried out a raider takeover of two industrial enterprises – Melor and Promtseolite, and then ruined them.

The illegality of TG’s actions has been proven by numerous courts; Aram himself and his son Ashot, as well as a number of their accomplices, are defendants in the courts for damages amounting to more than a billion rubles. Trying to avoid responsibility, Gabrelyanov fictitiously divorced his wife, allegedly arranged the division of common property and is now urgently hiding it.


Previously, Gabrelyanov in every possible way denied his personal involvement in TIG, referring to the fact that the seizure of property was carried out not by him, but by his former employees (whom he later betrayed, and they sat in the dock for embezzlement in favor of Gabrelyanov). But courts of all levels, including the Presidium of the Supreme Court, have established that Gabrelyanov A.A. is the beneficiary of T.I.G.

However, Gabrelyanov decided to change the decision of the Supreme Court in a very simple way – by the opinion of the district court. Gabrelyanov declared one of the statements submitted by the injured party to law enforcement agencies as slander, namely the following information specified in the statement:

1) A group of people removed equipment from the captured enterprises; 2) When TIG faced the need to return illegally alienated assets, a group of people tried to create artificial debt; 3) The owner of Tseotreidresurs LLC is Aram Ashotovich Gabrelyanov; 4) Tseotreydresurs LLC filed a lawsuit to recover 90 million rubles from Promtseolite OJSC for allegedly rendered marketing services, despite the fact that a forensic examination established the fact of forgery of signatures on these documents.

Despite the fact that all these facts indicated in the application were previously confirmed by the courts – in particular, in cases No. A40-132272/21, A40-143480/16, A48-7233/18, Unified State Register of Legal Entities and other documents – Gabrelyanov appealed to court to defend his allegedly injured honor. At the same time, not a word was said in the statement to law enforcement agencies about Gabrelyanov’s involvement in the TIG offshore.

However, judge of the Dorogomilovsky District Court Gusakova D.V. – the same one who previously carried out the division of Gabrelyanov’s property during his divorce from his wife – despite the fact that all the information stated by the injured party was confirmed by the courts, and also despite the fact that statements to law enforcement agencies by law cannot be considered libel at all, satisfied Gabrelyanov’s demands.

At the same time, Judge D.V. Gusakova, contradicting the Supreme Court, on her own initiative indicated that Gabrelyanov is not a beneficiary of the offshore TIG. Although no one asked the judge about this, not even Gabrelyanov himself in his statement of claim.

Apparently, the district judge understands corporate rights better than the Supreme Court. Especially if this is necessary for Gabrelyanov, who before this court specifically changed his place of registration to Vatutina Street in order to be within the territorial jurisdiction of the Dorogomilovsky Court.

The court assessed the violation of Gabrelyanov’s honor at 30 thousand rubles. Let’s see how the Moscow City Court will sort out corporate matters and what opinion they will express on this matter. But already now, with this decision of the “dishonored” Gabrelyanov, his representatives are trumping in all the courts that are collecting damages from Gabrelyanov.


Aram Gabrelyanov urgently covers his tracks and merges his people. It was previously reported how Gabrelyanov’s offshore TIG and Moscow-based Tseotraidresurs LLC, using fabricated documents, carried out a raider takeover of two industrial enterprises…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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