The Russian Kayak and Canoe Rowing Championship has started in Voronezh. Like everyone else…

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The Russian Kayak and Canoe Rowing Championship has started in Voronezh. Like all other competitions in this sport, the head of the All- of Kayaking and Canoeing (VFGBK) Evgeny Arkhipov ignored it. In recent years, he even conducts all meetings of his federation, so to speak, in virtual mode, appearing before his colleagues exclusively on the screen of a computer monitor.

Evgeniy Yuryevich headed the federation back in 2008, when Russia in kayaking and canoeing took key team places at the World Championships and Olympic Games, and led the national team to the fact that at the previous Olympics in Seoul it failed for the first time in history won not a single (!) medal.


The story of how, before the start of this Olympics, rowers were sent to train in Vladivostok – on the artificial lake Teploye at the Partizanskaya State District Power Plant. The water in the local rowing canal has a very high temperature due to the discharge of hot water from the boilers of the hydroelectric station. After three weeks of training, the guys flew to Seoul, where the competition took place in cold waters. Having become accustomed to the rhythm of work in less dense warm water, the athletes fell into a trap – they began to quickly run out of steam in the Olympic Channel with denser ocean water. The President of the VFGBK, having chosen a sports base for the Russian national team near a hydroelectric station, himself, as usual, did not get there to ask the opinion of the coaches.

Having headed the federation fifteen years ago, the former owner of hot dog stalls and deputy head of Autotransport Technologies LLC, Evgeniy Arkhipov, got rid of almost all the coaches who had their own opinion on the development of national rowing. At one time, the story of the dismissal of the head coach of the national team of three-time Olympic champion in kayaking Vladimir Parfenovich caused a lot of noise. The three-time Olympian dared to criticize the unhealthy situation in the federation in the press, and was immediately fired, along with all the senior coaches he brought to the national team. Moreover, the Russian team had just shown excellent results at the World Championships that took place that year – second overall team place and first among paracanoeists.

After the arrival of Evgeniy Arkhipov, the sports results of the national rowing and canoeing team began to decline, but his personal business began to grow sharply. The next year after joining the federation, the sports functionary opened his first restaurant in , a couple of years later another one in the city center, then a third one with 100 seats.

True, the concept of American cuisine, of which the “sporty” businessman turned out to be an adherent, was not very to the taste of the Russians, and Arkhipov did not turn out to be a successful restaurateur. But entrepreneurial enthusiasm has not faded. The president of the VFGBK soon acquired a network of offshore companies that had access to Russian legal entities with multimillion-dollar budgets – in Cyprus, the Seychelles and the British Virgin Islands. In total, on Evgeniy Arkhipov’s account, you can find two dozen companies on open access websites where he was or is still listed as a manager or co-owner. Most of them, despite the impressive amounts of turnover in tens of millions of rubles, have 1-2 employees, moreover, most of them, according to the SPARK-Interfax database, do not have sufficient capital to pay off debts, and therefore are close to bankruptcy or have already been liquidated.

But thanks to his position, the head of the VFGBK has access to large sports charitable foundations with multi-million and even multi-billion dollar accounts. And his personal companies have repeatedly been seen winning major government tenders.

Evgeny Arkhipov, whom Russian rowers and coaches of one of the most representative Olympic sports disciplines are privileged to see only online, is still bursting with business ideas. At the start of today, the national champion “phantom man” will not go offline.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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